I decided to focus on air pollution, and I will talk about Inefficient Automobile Regulation. The regulation was released in 1989 in Mexico because of high levels of air pollution. By determining license plates, each car in Mexico City could not be driven on one specific day. However, the interesting thing is that the purpose of this passage is to prove the regulation is considered to be both inefficient and ineffective. This is an action to sacrifice individuals and benefit group. In addition, the concept of this regulation is related to sustainable development. By reducing the use of automobile, less air pollution will be produced, and the atmosphere will become high quality. However, the regulation does not achieve the goal of sustainable development; instead, it seems that automobile usage and gasoline consumption increased.
For my second case, I will talk about air pollution in India. This is a report analyzing air pollution and its control measures. In this research report, the scholars list pollutants produced by human activities, such as Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon monoxide, and other Volatile organic compounds. In addition, they present major measures to reduce air pollutions. First method is by using pollution filter, carbon, to absorb pollutants. The second one is by using microorganisms to dissolve pollutants. The third measure is to improve fuel usage so that less pollution will be released, and they compare different types of fuels’ advantages and disadvantages. All these three methods are based on the concept of sustainable development. They can improve environment by both controlling its original resources and dealing with outcomes.
I live in Hang Zhou, China. As everyone knows, China now has very serious air pollution, and the situation hasn’t been improved at all. The pollution doesn’t relate to place and time I believe. May be because we are developing country so industrial development is the most important part in today’s China. Almost a half of China is suffering from haze. We also released Automobile Regulation in some cities, including my city. I didn’t find these negative results as case 1 in my city. It seems the regulation works in China. Maybe that is because China’s Public transport is very developed so people have more choice. Similar to control measures in India, we also are trying to change fuel resources to reduce pollutants. Moreover, we are planning to renovate high-emission industries. All those action are based on the concept of sustainable development.
This was an interesting post discussing air pollution in Mexico, India, and China. Coming from India I can relate to this post. Similarly, I touched the topic of pollution in India in my post to show how this affects the water supply. Air pollution has bad effects on water supply and this links well to my post.
Hi!, I’m Eunice Lee majoring in Early Childhood Education. Your blog entry caught my attention because I thought our concepts might relate to each other. Your entry discussed about the air pollution whereas mine focused on the health system. These two concepts might relate to each other because when air pollution becomes serious problem, human’s health system is affected by it. Therefore, when we decrease the amount of air pollution and use successful implements, health system won’t be a critical problem as it is now. Moreover, I thought your comparison was interesting. I knew China had a major problem with air pollution, but I didn’t know it would be a crucial problem that creates a negative impact on people’s health.
Thank you for sharing and this is my blog entry : http://geog030.dutton.psu.edu/2016/02/24/module-5-environmental-justice-movement-and-development-in-health-system/
Hey there! My name is J.R. Here’s the link to my blog where I talked about bike use in Japan and France trying to cut down on smoking.
I liked how in your blog you focused on two case studies that were about air pollution in two different places and how they are trying to combat it. It was interesting how in the first study, the results were good and bad. Also, the fact that that people who ran the test wanted those results to show. It was weird to see that automobile usage and consumption went up at the end of the experiment. I thought that the opposite would happen after people started to take notice of the situation. For oyur second case study, it was cool to see that they tried out three different ways to try and control the air pollution. I wonder which one worked the best in the end and if they continue to use them. They should also look into trying to track people’s usage of items that contribute to the pollution and regulate activities to figure out the root causes of the bad pollution.