Climate Change in Prospective

The top box explains the U.N. conference where 140 countries came together to come up with a plan to mitigate climate change with a global plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  During this conference, the United States attempted to interfere the accords being put forward.  In an effort to sway their opposition they applied a few tactics.  One way they tried was finding dirt against their opposition.  A second way was using financial aid promises and other monetary tactics.  For instance, when dealing with the Maldives, there is suspicion that the United States pressured them with large financial aids for their governmental projects.  These tactics were used during the voting in of the Copenhagen Accord. Unfortunately, this accord was as successful as predicted.  The accord didn’t hold any of the party’s involved accountable for the carbon dioxide emissions. Because of this, greenhouse gases are not checked, thus being able to rise.  Stemming from that is an increase of the warming of the atmosphere.  Moreover, the WikiLeaks leaked the cables after the Copenhagen Accord, which shed light on the United States interference in the issue.


After reading the article I was left with a sour taste in my mouth.  This was the first time hearing about this particular event, and frankly I was disappointed with the United States.  Considering what we learned in this module that this decade is a critical time of action if we want to repair the damages that we caused already to the climate, the United States should be on the opposite side, promoting the climate accord.  That being said, I think it is very important that WikiLeaks like this get out to the public.  My only complaint is that the citizens of this nation aren’t in uproar for the shady and back hand dealings that this country does just to risk everyone’s wellbeing; after all, climate change does affect everyone.  To add on top of that using our money to fund these promises and deals with other nations.  Another reason that our nation has a spending issue.  I do not like the way our nation is conducting its self in this manner.  If anything, the United States should be on the forefront of climate change mitigation using our power as a world leader to force change across the globe.  I think it is of the upmost importance as a nation to gain an understanding of the global problem we face of climate change so we can be informed voters when it comes to policies and when our nation fails to address this problem.  Learning about these WikiLeaks is the first step to fixing the climate. MOD9

One thought on “Climate Change in Prospective

  1. Hey Justin! My name is Shanda. here’s a link to my blog for this week

    I completely agree with you. I couldn’t really describe how I felt learning how poorly the United States has manipulated other countries. I too expected a lot more from us. At this point, I’m not entirely sure what I want to do with all of the information provided to me this week, but I know that I want to still do things individualistically to help global climate change. I also think that wikileaks is a great thing! how else are we going to know this information!!?

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