Hello! I’m Alisha Tyler-Lohr. I currently live right off of North Atherton Street in State College. I grew up down the road about five minutes away in Bellefonte. Currently I am pursuing a career in Stage Management. My interest in this course was from another course that I’ve taken before I transferred here to Penn State. I am really excited to be taking this course because being a theatre major isn’t easy and we don’t have the usual class schedule because we also have rehearsal in the evenings until late at night. So I’m lucky to be able to work on this course in the evenings.
I personally believe that sustainability is a huge problem now in our time. Sustainability, is all about how the world will survive in relation to what we do. I believe without the option of other ways to move our cars and heat our homes and use electricity, we will not have enough fossil fuels to survive. Along with that, we will continue to put bad things into the ozone. I also believe that this immediately coincides with environment and society. I believe that with how evolved the world is now, if we are not more aware of our footprint on the environment, the environment will not be able to sustain itself. With the help of integrating solar power as well as new technology, the sustainability of the planet itself will increase drastically. It will also increase the general well being of how we live and how it affects the world around us.
Hi Alisha! My name is Kevin. I also grew up around here, except I lived right here in State College. I’m an SRA major with a pretty normal schedule. It must be hard having all those rehearsals while going to class at the same time, you must really like Stage Management. I liked your post about sustainability because I completely agree with you. I think humans as a race need to find a more efficient way of living when it comes to using fossils fuels for everything such as heating and fuel. I think if we don’t start right now and try and find better ways than it will be too late. Here is a link to my blog post if you were interested! (http://sites.psu.edu/geog30/2016/01/20/module-1-kevin-hosterman-2)