BP biogas

The idea behind my diagram is to show, in detail, the effects of utilizing methane gas producing generators vs. traditional wood. Trying to imagine ever possible positive and negative effect is quite daunting but important. As we live in a coupled human environment our actions, in the human system, have an effect on the environment. In turn the environment effects the human system. As discussed in the lecture, this circular motion is continuous and very intricate. Every action has an effect, whether positive or negative. In the two paths displayed in my diagram one has negative outcomes. Over harvesting of a natural resource will deplete that resource. Not only will the resource be depleted but less ground cover brings increased erosion, which leads to less usable land for farming which leads to less produce and grain crops for humans and animals. Not only that but the depletion of trees results in less habitat for birds and other insect eating animals, which would lead to increased numbers of disease spreading insects and push disease spreading rodents closer to human population.
Comparing the two diagrams you see that both display a unit representing the social system and the ecosystem. You can also see in both diagrams there are representations of technology, water, soil, animals. The biggest difference is the Marten diagram is very broad in its makeup, while my diagram is well defined for a specific task. With both diagrams we see both the social and eco system effect one another. biogas_btp0125

One thought on “BP biogas

  1. Hey Brian, great chart. I enjoy how you showed the true downsides to traditional wood burning to really show how much switching to methane gas generators could help. Everything we, as humans, do affects our ecosystem and it is our responsibility to minimize that impact as much as possible. The only way we can continue to survive is to do everything we can to keep the environment as healthy as possible. If you would like to see my blog, click on:

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