After watching the video about the biogas in India I knew that it directly impacted two different systems, social and eco. Through each of these systems other things were then affected. I noticed that through the social system the people in India would be directly impacted by the biogas. For example, there would be better and safer homes which would lead to a lot of health improvements, especially because of the smoke reduction they talked about in the video. The social system would also be positively impacted through the businesses. More and more business opportunities would be created leading to a large decrease in poverty in India. A decrease in poverty affects so many different levels within a social system. Another thing that would be changing within the social system would be the decrease in child labor. With this going down significantly, more children would be able to attend school and get a better education. Then I started thinking about how the biogas would be affecting the ecosystem. This was pretty obvious since it is much better for the environment. There would be much less deforestation which would allow for more available firewood which could be used a lot of different ways. Overall there would be a large decrease in pollution which is not only better for the environment but also the health of the people because there would be a lot less disease. Biogas would also lead to cleaner  fertilizer which means there would be cleaner food and water. Clean food and water also means an improvement in health. Essentially, everything the biogas would be doing, whether within the social or eco systems, there would be significant positive changes for the people and the environment.
I think that my diagram is pretty similar to Gerald Marten’s in Figure 1.5. Both diagrams show how the biogas would be impacting the social and ecosystems. Both of our diagrams emphasized on the fact that it would benefit the environment and the people. However, in Marten’s diagram he focused a lot on how everything was connected within each system. When I was making mine I didn’t think so much about how each thing in each system also directly affected each other. I think that by looking at both diagrams do a good job of showing who/what is going to be affected and they both emphasize how good the biogas would be for India.
Hey, Haley! My name is Tawnya and your post caught my eye! I really love how simplistic, yet informative your diagram is. You went into way more detail than mine and brought up some very valid points. We both focused on the positive output biogas has on the ecosystem and social system. Contrarily, you took it a step further and showed the different effects from all of the positive impacts while I focused more on the negative effects from the wood fired stove. You did a great job and I really enjoyed how easy your diagram was to follow. If you get a chance, take a look at my post!
Thanks for your time!
Hi my name is Ben Ceci and I saw that we had a similar diagram layout. You used Social Systems and Ecosystems as your main categories and so did I. When comparing ours to Marten’s it is cool to see how he focused on a broader topic and although we focused on a more specific topic, our results were still pretty similar. I liked your use of different shapes in your diagram because it gives the diagram more organization and hierarchy. Here is a link to my post.