Module 2 Jonah Kim

Module 2 Biogas Plant

As we learned in the module a large population will have a large effect on the environment. This is evident in India, where the country has such a large population so not everyone can fit inside the modern, technology centered cities. So they have to cook with fire and wood. Because of this children would have to collect firewood before school so their mothers could cook. This caused many kids in rural areas to be late or even entirely miss school and miss out on their studies. On the other hand in the ecosystemthe kids and mothers chopping down trees and hurting the ecosystem. Then with the wood fires children and mothers would negatively affect health. So Dr. Vidya Sagar realized he could take the excess cow manure to create a biogas plant. Another benefit is that the remaining product acts as a very good compost and so women who use gas stoves and biogas plants can also make money selling the remains for compost. So like in “What Are You Optimistic About? Why?” by Ray Kurzwell, technology could evolve to help reduce impact. My diagram is similar to Marten’s diagram through the content. Everything he’s talking about I talk about as well just more specifically in each square. I, however, do not have as many connections between social and ecosystems. It could be learned that their are a lot more connections between a social system and an ecosystem than we may initially think.

4 thoughts on “Module 2 Jonah Kim

  1. Hi Jonah, my name is Samantha Sessamen. I really liked your view of the biogas in India. I noticed that you broke up your diagram into the two sections of social system as well as the ecosystem. I believe a majority of us also took that approach (as I did, myself); however, yours is very detailed and organized. I took a more general approach whereas you really broke it down into detail. Looks good to me!

    Here is a link to my blog:

  2. Hey Jonah, my name is Chase. Your diagram really caught my eye. I see that you broke it up into two sectors as I did. Each sector seems to have much detail and includes specific examples so that the viewer can really get an understanding of the specific effects. Good work Jonah!

  3. Hi! My name is Jake Hughes. You did an excellent job on determining and explaining the situation in Biogas. I talked about a lot of the same stuff that you did in my post. Filling the homes with smoke from wood is no longer an issue with this new technology. The remaining product is to be used as a compost and be sold. Collecting wood before school was definitely one of the more important issues because kids were missing school and not getting to read and do homework.

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