My hometown is Douglassville, PA which is located in the southeastern part of the state. It is a well-irrigated area. My house gets its water supply from a shallow underground well. This process is not very collective because it is a private well. The water is electrically pumped into my house by a submersible pump. The water is then fed into a pressurized tank that leads to a filter followed by a water tank for hot water. The hard water from the well is softened during this process. Once the water is used for flushing, showering or whatever other purpose, it is sent into the local sewer system. From the sewer system it is led to a waste water treatment plant in the next town over. After the treatment plant, the water is put into marshes where it rejoins the water cycle. In the marshes are reed beds that help process the aerobic sludge. The reeds are constantly replaced.
Activity Number of Times Performed Gallons of Water Consumed
Teeth Brushing 2 1 gallon
Hand Washing 6 6 gallons
Face Shaving 1 1 gallon
Showering 2 120 gallons
Toilet Flushing 6 18 gallons
Water Drinking 2 glasses .125 gallons
Clothes Washing 2 50 gallons
The day I tracked my typical water usage, I almost used two gallons of water just from brushing my teeth. Areas of water use in the experiment included getting ready in the morning, hydrating and using the bathroom. One priority for water usage for the day was using the bathroom which includes flushing the toilet and washing my hands. Another priority was water drinking to stay hydrated. In order to cut down on water usage for the day, I set strategies of not doing any wash, not shaving, taking one shower in the morning and washing my hands as many times as I use the bathroom. Even though I used less than I did in a typical day, I still consumed a lot of water. When people think they are saving water, no matter how hard they try, they will still use a lot. Geography is very key to water consumption especially if the water supply is collective among many humans and even animals. A dry area would cause a smaller amount of water to be used by a person, while a well irrigated area would allow humans to consume more without worrying about the source running out.
Hi Anthony
I enjoyed reading your post. I agree it would be very difficult to live on only 2 gallons of water per/day. To make a decision on whether to use the water for hygiene purposes, cooking, or drinking must be tough. Than to consider that my family uses over 200 gallons per make is embarrassing. Here a link to my most if you would like to take a look,
Hello I’m Eric. Our posts are similar because we both fail the two gallon test. In my daily routine, I use more than that just brushing my teeth. I agree that no matter how much you try to save water, you would still have to use more than two gallons. If you would like to read my post the link is below.