Chase Sandler Module 4

Part 1 A:


I am from Long Island, New York. During this module, I called up my local water district office and asked for the water supply chain information. The clerk at the desk informed me that she could give me specifics for legal matters but she gave me an overall idea of how the water flow directions itself. The water tower in my hometown is located on a back road called Haypath Road. The water comes down from the tower and underground up to our town park. At the park, the water pipes direct off into different directions of the town. There are three main areas in my town of which the pipes lead too. Once the pipes reach the center most parts of these areas, they funnel off into sewage systems underground. Homes receive the water supply from the underground pipes determined by one of three locations. The water is either funneled off to the user or sent underground to the sewage system.


As a side note, I found this information to be extremely difficult to find. My local office was not very happy to give out such information. I hope that the information I supplied above is sufficient. Thanks.


Part 1 B:


  1. Water Bottles consumed: 4 X 500 Ml
  2. Toilet Flush: 8 flushes X 8 Gallons
  3. Shower: 2 times X 15 Gallons
  4. Brush Teeth: 2 times X 6 Cups
  5. Cook Food: 10 Cups
  6. Gym Water Fountain: 1000 Ml

Total: 96.15 Gallons

Part 1 C:

If I lived in an area where water was restricted and I had 2 gallons to live on per day, I would use my share wisely. For this experiment, the first thing I dedicate my water to is brushing my teeth. I used 2 cups of water, one for the morning and one for the nighttime. I would consume 2 liters for drinking water throughout the day. Next, I saved 10 cups of water for cooking and cleaning. I then tried to save the rest of my water for any random activity I may need it for. At the end of the day, I needed to take a shower. In order to do this, I attempted to only shower for 30 seconds in order to use about a quarter of a gallon of water. This was unsuccessful. My other issue was the fact that our toilet is restricted in the way of each flush requires one gallon of water no matter what. This is where my experiment failed.


Geography is extremely important in terms of water use. Countries in places such as the Middle East tend to have to ration water. This is because they have many droughts and need to balance their use. This is a major problem.



2 thoughts on “Chase Sandler Module 4

  1. Hey Chase, my name is Michael. Here is my post:

    What caught my attention about your post is you are from Long Island too! Although our sources are different its because different areas get there water differently. I also, agree with how you would prioritize your use of water. I feel like it is more important to brush your teeth and drink water more than anything else. I too failed the experiment because i wasn’t able to take a shower fast enough. Thank you for your post!

  2. Hey Chase, I’m Brian. Here’s a link to my post:

    I noticed we used about the same amount of water, which is why I chose to comment on your post. Its interesting that your local office was hesitant to give you any information, I guess its because of security issues. Your post actually has me curious as to the security practices of local water plants, but I suppose that’s off topic. I did, however, also find it very difficult to live off two gallons of water a day.

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