Social Norms/Societal Issues – Jessica Moritz

  1. Food social norms are all over the world; however, one specific food norm that stands out for me is whether or not to eat gluten. I started to follow this norm of gluten-free because my family and friends told me how great it made them feel.  I continued to eliminate gluten from my diet after my trail-month because I saw the benefits of having more energy and a better digestive system.  Also, I feel as if I am able to manage my nutrition better because I am watching exactly what I eat and put into my body.  If I did not go gluten-free, I feel as if eating at my parent’s or aunt’s house would be near to impossible since that what they buy.  Since some of the stuff tastes different than gluten-made products, I got used to the taste and am eating gluten-free like the rest of my family.
  1. One societal issue would be whether or not to genetically modify organisms. As stated in module 6, GMOs are not labeled on products and cause a debate in the United States on whether or not they should be.  Since I made a food choice of eating gluten-free, I am more aware now of products and how companies can trick us by not labeling GMOs.  Personally, I think the social norm should be to stop eating foods that are genetically modified so that a law come into place that any genetically modified organism must be labeled in the grocery store.  It is important for people to know what they are putting in their bodies.  Since going gluten-free, I have done a lot of research on different foods and policies and I think it is important to label everything and not try and hide ingredients.  Also, obesity is a societal issue; by watching what I am eating, I am avoiding this issue.  The social norm should be to look at ingredients to try preventing obesity.
  2. Module 6 jmm6447

2 thoughts on “Social Norms/Societal Issues – Jessica Moritz

  1. Hi Jessica! Here is a link to my blog post:

    Your topic caught my attention because my girlfriend is gluten free because she has celiac. She has tried to convert me to be gluten free and has explained the health benefits but for someone that is already extremely picky I think it would be too hard for me to do. Were/Are you gluten free on campus? I feel as though it’d make it much more difficult because you are already limited on options in dining halls. The only issue I personally have with labeling GMO’s is that I think people tend to think GMO = Bad and that is not the case a lot of the time. Great post!

    • I actually have a lot of food allergies so I only make my food! I don’t eat anything on campus because I’m not sure what’s in it. I think GMOs should still be labeled just so people can decide whether or not to avoid them or not. I guess since I have a hard time with my food allergies I think everything should be labeled!

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