Food Choice and Social Norms

An example of how my food choice was influenced by social norms was the amount of junk food and unhealthy meals I have consumed since starting college.  I’m sure this is something that other college students can relate to as well.  My freshman year I commuted to school from my home about 30 minutes away.  I always felt like I was on the run from going to school, to work, and then back home.  Because of this, I turned to fast food restaurants as an easy way to grab lunch on the go.  College is notorious for being a place for making unhealthy decisions.  From going out at night with friends to countless trips to McDonalds and Chipotle, the “freshman 15” came on quickly.  Eating out is very much a social norm in college.  My on the go schedule during school also influenced me to choose food that was cheap and quickly prepared.


One societal issue that is greatly related to eating unhealthy foods is the obesity rate in this country. The reading mentioned that out of our whole population of 7 billion people, 1 billion are undernourished and 500 are considered obese. In my experience of following such unhealthy eating behaviors and habits, I can see how this number holds true.  Obesity is such a big problem because the amount of high calorie food available outweighs the amount of healthier meal choices available on the go.  Obesity is also linked to the end use of food, nutrition.  The fast food and meals that I was consuming were not very nutritional in the least.  Burgers and fries really can’t stack up against fresh and locally grown foods. There is also the idea of sustainable food consumption.  When we choose food that is healthier for us, we are not only helping ourselves, but the environment as well.  Beef production featured in the reading made me uneasy and really second think the meat that I was consuming in my McDouble.


One thought on “Food Choice and Social Norms

  1. Hello, my name is Eric. I can agree with your post because I have been eating more junk food than I would like ever since I started college. Obesity has become a problem and I also wrote about it in my post. It doesn’t help that where I am living this year, there is almost nothing healthy to eat. I believe that the junk food social norm should be reduced by introducing more healthy food options.

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