I live in a town located in Pennsylvania named Downingtown where the population is roughly 8,000 people. In this particular town there are two different types of neighborhoods it contains. Directly in town where the high school is located, the neighborhoods are designed for the urban downtown part. Through this, the residents of the town are able to walk to different locations as well as drive. Around the outside part of the town, the neighborhoods are designed as automobile suburbs where the goal is to drive in town to the shops, to work or to the city. My metropolitan are is considered Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington, which has a population of approximately 6 million people. I was born and raised in Downingtown and I am used to the type of town it is. The way the streets are set up around my high school allowed me to walk to different destinations with my friend after school. The set up of the town allowed my peers and I to find activities to do instead of getting into trouble.
In Copenhagen, the residents have transformed the city in to a pedestrian based city. Some of the streets have been changed so that no cars are allowed on them. Through this, the residents have more places to walk and bike to as well as more of a chance to explore and relax in the city. These aspects of the city relate back to my own home town because of the amount of sidewalks that are directly in town and the trails in the large variety of parks that allow the residents to walk and bike to different places. My particular town can take notes from the city of Copenhagen in how to become more sustainable. I believe that my town would really benefit in closing off streets and parking lots and turning them into a place where the residents of the town can become more active, go outside more and enjoy those around them.
In Bogota, Columbia every Sunday and holiday the citizens experience car free roads from 7 in the morning until 2 in the afternoon. This experience allows the citizens of the city to become more active, enjoy activities put together by the cities and to enjoy the outdoor experience. Through this action, the city helps cut down on the pollution that comes from automobiles and overall has created a healthier city. While the streets in my town are set up the same as Bogota, there is not a designated day for cars to be off the road. I feel as though my town can benefit from this more than it could benefit from the set up of Copenhagen because it is more possible to designate a certain day and time frame to these activities. It would allow the residents to become more active, cut down on pollution and bond with one another as well.
I come from a small town, too, though mine has only half the population of Downingtown. I too am surrounded by automobile suburbs due to the proximity of my town to the larger city. While I don’t think it would benefit my town to restrict traffic in areas or at different times, I do think turning to alternative forms of transportation could be helpful.
Hi my name is Josh Tubay and I don’t live too far away from you in Lancaster. I can tell you’re really focused on a better transportation method for your town. I think bigger bike paths and sidewalks will really improve the sustainability of any town like yours. It definitely makes the town more active which comes with a multitude of benefits. My post is at: http://sites.psu.edu/geog30/2016/03/18/urban-planning-5/