In my diagram I started with the soul issue behind this entire article and that was climate change and the increase in the amount of greenhouse gas emissions since the Industrial Revolution. Due to the potential threats of climate change and the warming of Earth’s surface attempts have been made in order to try and minimize the amount of greenhouse gas emissions made by each country. One of these attempts was the Copenhagen Accord which was strongly supported by the United States. However, trying to get everybody to agree on one thing is quite challenging and of course not every country was on board with this idea. That lead to the use of secret cables seeking intelligent life by the United States in effort to attempt to manipulate these countries that did not support the Copenhagen Accord to support the Copenhagen Accord. WikiLeaks exposed the United States which lead to a distrust and other controversies. In the end despite all of the doubts there were still 140 countries supporting the Copenhagen Accord along side the United States. I felt these were the main points of the article and the order that they went in. Resulting in my diagram looking the way it does.
Before this class I was not very knowledgable on the idea of climate change and did not see understand how serious it actually is. In order to sustain life on Earth collective action needs to be taken around the world. Although the United States might have been wrong in the way they went about trying to get other countries to support the Copenhagen Accord, they had the best interest of other countries in mind. Therefore I also believe that the mistakes the United States made should not have been made public. There are better ways though to start a movement and I think the United States should have done so by showing the steps they are taking to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas they emit. I believe the United States need to be more of a leader in this cause and start taking bigger steps in lowering our greenhouse gas emissions considering we are one of the largest contributors to it. Previous lessons have taught that there are smaller communities in the United States taking steps to more sustainable living, like the cities that are made to walk rather than drive or take public transportation. There are also individuals that grow their own vegetables in cities which helps to filter the air, provides healthier nutrition, and decreases the miles that food travels to end up in local grocery stores. If steps like this were made all over the country there would be significantly less greenhouse gas emissions from the United States. The United States could then take their success and show it to other countries in order to make them want to reduce their emissions too.
Hi Mary,
I like your diagram. I like how easy it is to read and follow. It stood out to be because you didn’t use boxes or shaped like me and everyone else seems to have done. I had a similar stance about how the US was wrong in the way they wend about the accord, but agreed the end may have justified the means.
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