2. As you can see according to the chart, climate change is definitely connected to the wiki leaks situation. The thing that started it was the over emission of green-house gases. This led to the gradual onset of climate change, which has been talked about for years already. This climate change being as serious as it was, led to officials creating the Copenhagen Accord Plan, which was an attempt to cut back a lot of greenhouses gases and other harmful products that may have been hurting the environment. However, not every nation had signed this bill to protect the environment. When all these other countries heard of the secret negotiations that the US and its allies were involved in from the leak, they were obviously upset. This forced the United States to pay hundreds of other countries to participate in this act, which in the end cost the United States thousands of dollars. If the wiki leaks had never happened, these secret documents would never have made the public which would would have allowed us to continue our ongoing negotiations, without having to pay thousands to all other countries. This is where the bad comes in from these leaks.
3. I still think that everyone has a right to see these documents, no matter how much money it may cost the government. The people of this country are the ones who pay taxes, and if we can’t even be informed on what our government is doing with this money the citizens will start to revolt. This is somewhat related to the idea of sustainability, where we the government has to give us information in order to keep us happy, but also wants to keep as much as they can away in order to save money. The way that wiki leaks does this however, should not be allowed because it is breaching the trust of every employee in the government. If nobody in our government can even trust each other, there is no way that our country can continue to thrive and develop. I believe information should be free for all, but if you have to break the law to obtain this information than you are just as bad as the people trying to hide it from everyone.
Hi, my name is Harrison,
I thought your post was thought provoking in a political manner. Whereas, our taxpayer dollars should gives us to right to see/hear what is going on with our nation, especially when it has a direct effect on us. Unfortunately, every Presidential administration is becoming more and more clandestine. The current administration is one of the most clandestine of all time, actually. I agree with your thought process in your post. Here’s a link to mine: http://geog030.dutton.psu.edu/2016/04/07/u-s-manipulation-of-the-climate-accord/
– Harrison
Hi I’m Wes, I like how you simplified your diagram, it is super easy to follow. Also I agree that the public should be made aware of how our money is being spent.
Check out my post http://sites.psu.edu/geog30/2016/04/07/climate-change-4/
Hi, my name is Alex and I’m from the Worthington campus. After reading your post I noticed that I totally misunderstood the reading. I agree with you that the taxpayers should know what their money is going to. However, I was never fond of secret information being spread everywhere. You do state that the wikileaks lead to the inability to trust. Good job!
If you’d like to check out my post here’s the link https://wp.me/p3RCAy-dO5