Climate Change – Cassie Hess


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2)  This systems diagram outlines the issues associated with climate change negotiations occurring around the world. The main driver of this diagram is climate change, which is caused by greenhouses gasses trapping radiation in the Earth’s atmosphere. The core idea behind this systems diagram is the principle of collective action being used to lessen the effects of global warming around the world. The logistics of solving this problem are very difficult. Figuring out ways to manage seven billion people and negotiate among differing countries can be very hard to do. This diagram outlines the negotiations among many different nations regarding a solution to climate change. Unfortunately, there is a lot of political mistrust surrounding the Copenhagen Accord. As mentioned before, it is very difficult for so many nations to come to an agreement, a core reason behind the mistrust among countries. The Accord is designed to create a plan for each nation for greenhouse gas emission cuts. It also intends to give financial aid to poorer countries who are affected by climate change, but are not necessarily the largest contributors to the problem. Most of the mistrust is among richer, larger countries like the United States. Nations must balance the negotiations between environmental benefit and financial feasibility. Solving climate change calls for the redirection of billions of dollars due to moving the global economy to a low carbon model. Despite the mistrust among the many countries, the negotiation talks have results in about 140 countries associating themselves with the Copenhagen accord. While this does not completely solve the problem, it brings the world one step closer to finding a solution to climate change.

3) I personally believe that climate change is an issue that can only be solved by every country on the world cooperating with one another. This is a collective action issue as well as an individual action problem. We must collectively work together, but also must take it upon ourselves to do whatever we can to help solve climate change. That being said, I do not believe the United States has been handling the issue of global warming very well. I do not think that we as a country are taking as much responsibility as we should for the damage we have caused. The United States is one of the largest greenhouse gas producing countries, making it our responsibility to compensate for the damage we have done. It is not ethical for the US to make other countries suffer for our actions. The concept of distributive justice explains the tradeoff between poorer and richer nations when it comes to climate change. Regardless of responsibility, the entire world’s population needs to shift from an anthropocentric view to one that focuses on ecocentrism. We must put the future of our Earth ahead of our immediate human needs. In regards to the negotiations between political entities, I am somewhat conflicted on whether or not the cables should have been made public. When it comes to making a decision and coming to an agreement, I think that the politicians would be able to come to a quicker solution if they were able to work without the pressure from the public on them. On the other hand, this is a world issue that affects all of us, so the public also has a right to know what different nations are thinking in regards to the negotiations. I think in order to solve the issues of climate change, we need to have more trust among each other and act less in self-interest and more for the benefit of all.

One thought on “Climate Change – Cassie Hess

  1. Cassie, I agree with you that Climate Change is a collective action as well as an individual action. It begins with a person choosing to ride their bike or open the windows instead of using air condition but it needs to spread throughout the entire world. We will not see noticeable changes in the climate unless we take action. The government can help this phenomena out by informing the people how they would be benefiting both themselves and the environment for it to become a collective action. I also like your diagram because it covers the main points and it is very easy to follow. Check out my post ‎ as you can see how I decided to draw out my systems diagram and how I think we should go about improving Climate Change.

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