Section 1:
Section 2:
I started my diagram with the main cause of climate change which is technological advancements (industrial revolution) and how it leads to increase in emissions in the process. Apart from this, lack of awareness and not taking the issue seriously in the beginning led to a higher degree deterioration in the environment. This was how climate change came into the whole picture. Now that it has become dangerous, a solution is required. Many concepts say that a solution should be more or less at the same scale as the problem. This brings the “global” concept in my diagram. This brings on the Kyoto protocol and its basis of setup. The Kyoto protocol restricted the rate of emissions of industrial giants at a global level. Coming to main topic, the Copenhagen accord was another approach to the problem, which majorly focuses on the concept of countries forming their own restrictions for the rate of emissions. This highly contradicts the Kyoto protocol. United States strongly agrees with the Copenhagen accord and it requires the support of the Copenhagen accord to maintain its development, for diplomatic reasons and not cross the limits of emissions. The Copenhagen accord was opposed by less developed countries as they did not have a strong economical field to support such an accord. This led the US to spy, threaten, and promise money to such countries, etc. to have the Copenhagen accord pass. The WikiLeaks cables exposed the acts of the US. As of now 116 countries are in support of the Copenhagen Accord and 26 countries are intend to support making it a 75% support of all the UN participants.
Section 3:
I think that the State Department cables should have been made public. After all the public has the right to know what is happening between countries. The things that the US did were not ethical. They shouldn’t have conducted the climate change diplomacy in such an incorrect manner. The US has to be more honest. She has to regain the trust of other countries. Being a developed country, the US should think of not only itself but also of all other countries including underdeveloped countries. The issue of climate change is at a global level and therefore the necessary steps required should involve the betterment of the world as a whole and not only a part of it. I think it is time that all countries unite and establish a healthy way to fight against the environmental degradation and climate change. In my opinion, this could be carried out through the Kyoto protocol because it will bind a large set of nations to reduce emissions. After all, climate change is a collective action problem on the scale of nations, so they have to sit together and agree on policies that would solve this problem. I understand that reducing emissions is closely related to industrial activity which is why most developed nations prefer to avoid it. However, we aren’t putting the lives of future generations into perspective. We are supposed to be solving problems and not creating more problems. Continuing at this rate, resources are being depleted and the same time the climate is getting worse.
Hello, this is Nick,
I really liked your system diagram. It is very detailed and is organized well. I also explain in my post some of the unethical choices the United States made when getting support for the Copenhagen Accord. I also agree that the counties need to have an open dialogue when creating ways to reduce the effects of climate change. Here is a link to my blog post: