My diagram starts with Climate Change. I believe this emphasizes the need for a global collective action agreement on how to limit green house gas emissions and take responsibility for human action on this planet. I have everything stemming from Climate Change, because ultimately, this is the goal. It is also interesting to see how countries are forgetting this goal and focusing on escaping financial dilemmas. My color scheme moves from yellow to blue. The colors address the connections between the factors and show a cascade from the top to the bottom of my diagram. In a symbolic way, my color scheme shows connection to the colors of the globe including grass, the sky, water and the visibility of the sun. This may not have much effect, but it again draws upon the goal of the Climate Summits, to preserve the world in which humans live. Through the many connections on my diagram, it is easy to see that this predicament is very intertwined and in turn, complicated. Thinking about the links between each factor, it is important to understand that, we as the people may not know everything relevant to this climate issue. My diagram also addresses the fact that the US actions can and have lead to many outcomes that may not benefit the global community. For instance, Japan will not support the Kyoto protocol extension. This not only benefits the US, but it also boosts the Copenhagen Accord. How will this affect the globe? This diagram stressed to me that Climate Change, and environmental issues is highly politicized and in being so, seems to fall victim to strategizing and financial circumstances.
Reading this article, has stressed to me that the countries around the globe have turned climate change into financial issues that each country wishes to avoid. Although I know that money is an important factor in controlling and limiting climate change, it is sad to see such a big issue reduced to politicize, strategic agreements and arguments instead of focusing on the true issue at hand. The US has done a disgraceful thing. To get out of these financial burdens, shows the rest of the world, including the citizens of every country that climate change and the environmental factors as well as how they affect the people of the world, mean less to the politicians than money does. This dilemma also stresses that collective action problems are a real thing. The US uses its abusive powers to control and manipulate the globe to accommodate to their issues. The US doesn’t want to reduce its own emissions, however, looks to put this burden onto the smaller countries that have affected the climate significantly less. This issue speaks widely to ethics. Is it ethical to put these burdens on to the other countries? Is it ethical however, to put the human financial needs above the needs of the environment? When it comes to the Wikileaks, I support total information to the people. I think that if these were not leaked people would feel more positively about the Copenhagen Accord then they actually should have. This information allows for people to rally together and fight to persuade the countries of the nation to actually respond to the needs of the environment and in turn the needs of the people. I believe educating ourselves and doing what we can as a person, and as apart of smaller communities, can develop way to limit our emissions, then these ideals may spread to the larger global community. Starting at smaller communities will make these changes engraved into the world culture and would spread despite the language barriers around the world.
Hi Alyssa. Your system diagram was very well thought out and created. I agree with you that the US has disgraced themselves. We are an influential country and with our motives being money and power, not actual climate control, we have shown our true colors as a country. The leaks have made it public to everyone that we are sneaky in getting what we want. But, being such an influential super power, unfortunately, our government works like this because it knows it can. While it makes us look sneaky and untrustworthy, we still have allies because of how we get what we want. Here’s a link to my blog
Hello Alyssa,
I really liked your system diagram. Especially how you organized it by color too, great idea! I also agree that the cables should have been made public. In my system diagram I showcased how the U.S lead the effort for the Copenhagen Accord and the outcomes because of that. Take a look at my blog post at: