My diagram is short and sweet. I attempted to design my diagram so that each step leads right into the next. The diagram explains exactly how the climate change lead to different results as a cause of another result. By starting off with the general problem, we know that that is the climate shift. As a direct result, the U.S. was forced to introduce the Copenhagen Accord. The accord took a ton of efforts by the states to bribe and perform other illegal actions in order to get other nations to sign on. When the Copenhagen Accord was passed, a ton of issues began to arise. Mainly, the problems began with deciding on how to handle the potential loss of billions of dollars. As a result of this conflict, a few things happened. Three of the things that happened were that the U.S. had to establish the implementation of the cables, the Phishing attacks began, and we needed to support the people with financial aid in order to keep things stable. My diagram depicts all of this in a simple manner that shows the flow of one event to the next.
In my opinion, the State Department cables should not have been made public. This would only cause more issues by stirring up community members. I feel that it is in the control of the people to reduce pollution and other causes of climate change. The United States government is responsible for the well being of the people. If the well being of the people involves government intervention on policies that affect the shift in climate, than that is what should have been done. What should not have been done though, is that other nations should not have been bribed and performed corrupt actions just to pass the Copenhagen Accords. This was not in the best interest of the people because it brought along other problems such as illegal activities. If this was truly in the best interest of the people, than their would have been no negative affects such as loss of billions of dollars, financial aid support, Phishing attacks, and more.
Hi my name is Joelle! Here is a link to my post!
I really enjoyed how your diagram was short and to the point. I was able to fully understand what message it was portraying even though there was not a lot of information in the diagram itself. The explanation really aided and added the information that the diagram did not provide. Although your opinion differs from mine on whether or not the cables should have been released, your explanation really does a fantastic job of backing up your opinion.
Great job on your chart and overall post!
I really like that your diagram is as you said “short and sweet”. It’s very easy to read and follow and gets right to the point. I completely agree with you that the government is responsible for the well being of the people and in this case it wasn’t. However I have to disagree and say that I think the cables should be made public because even though its stirs things up, it gives the U.S. a fresh start by letting the people know the truth and having the ability to fix it.
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