Climate change

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Based off of the diagram that I created from the information supplied in the article, WikiLeaks cables reveal how US manipulated climate accord, there are many different core ideas shown within. To begin, my systems diagram shows that the main issue stemming from greenhouse gas emissions is global warming. This issue lead to the desire of many nations to create negotiations for a climate change treaty. This treaty would include different agreements that would change the way in which climate change progresses and is impacting the world in which we live in. This would include the flow of billions of dollars to be redirected into the direction of climate control This desire to create a treaty led to the creation of the Copenhagen Accord Plan. This was an unofficial document that had emerged form the Copenhagen climate change summit in the later months of 2009. From this plan, the United States attempted to find allied countries to help out with there purpose. They attempted to find as many countries as they could to associate themselves with the accord and then eventually support it. This would immensely boost the possibility of this plan being adopted and being put into place. But in order to get these countries support the United States stopped at nothing to get the support of these countries. They used money, spying, threats and promises of aid to get their strongly desired support for the Copenhagen accord. Following this they eventually got 116 countries have associated themselves with the accord and then 26 countries to say they intended to associate as well.


Since the introduction of the steam engine and the introduction of more high quality machinery in the Industrial Revolution the human race has been burning fossil fuels like it was their job to do so. This ultimately changed the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and has changed the world for the worse since then. This pressing issue has led to much debate since the solution of the problem would require the support and action of all countries and people in the world. This exact problem is the reason in which the United States of America created the Copenhagen accord plan. Which was a plan created to reduce the creation of the greenhouse gas affect by mandating action by all countries supporting it and who fell into the jurisdiction of it, to comply and put into action supporting actions that would lower the greenhouse gas affect on the environment. In order to get this accord officially adopted the United States went out of their way with immoral practices and strategies. Thus resulting from this the United State produced the State Department Cables that were then made public. I believe that this act was not justified or correct because it leads to other countries not trusting us in what we do or say we are going to do. Although I believe that it was incorrect for us to do this I believe that it was good in some ways. For example it showed the citizens of our country the ultimate negative impacts of the emission of greenhouse gases and thus the result in climate change.

One thought on “Climate change

  1. Hello Benjamin!

    I thought I’d stop by your post because you mentioned our posts shared some points in common. I’ll link you to mine even though you already commented:

    We DO have a couple points in common much like you mentioned including our mixed reactions about it being both good and bad. I see also that we came to the conclusion that this greatly affects how other countries will perceive us. I believe there’s a saying something along the lines of “doing the wrong thing, but for the right reason” – I think that sums up the results rather nicely. I still wonder about the motivations however; as you had said “This issue lead to the desire of many nations to create negotiations for a climate change treaty.” I was under the impression that the United States took the lead as it was the major offender (pollution-wise anyway) and the Copenhagen Accord as it’s “ace card”, so to speak. Either way, nicely done!

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