My diagram illustrates the steps to the creation of the Copenhagen Accord and the results of its creation. I began with showing how the excessive amounts of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere lead to the cause of global warming and climate change. Because of global warming it has become aware to many countries that we need to collectively take mitigative action. In response, a climate change treaty was made between countries (Kyoto Agreement). As an effort to begin the necessary steps for mitigation of greenhouse emissions, the Copenhagen Accord was created to get participating countries to agree to take specific actions to begin the process of lowering greenhouse emissions. This agreement in particular served interest to the U.S. as the U.S. is one of the leading countries in production of greenhouse emissions. In order to increase participating countries the U.S. took a dishonest route and began bribing, manipulating and phishing other countries into associating. Many of the smaller and poorer countries were against this accord because they are being asked to give up so much when one, they are primarily trying to create a decent standard of living for their people and also are barely contributing to the overall problem. They were being promised money if they join and threatened if they didn’t. Because of the U.S.’s dishonesty, a lot of tension and mistrust was developed between countries. However, the U.S. did manage to be successful with others. As a result 116 countries associated with the accord and more pledging to do so in the future.
It is clear that climate change is a very real event that is becoming more and more serious as time goes on with no act of change. It’s important to note that climate change is not solely one country’s problem. It is a problem for the entire planet and everyone will face the consequences whether positive or negative. The cable leaks I think are important to be made public. Climate change is a universal issue and everyone should be in light of what is happening in efforts to lower greenhouse emissions. Although the approach of the U.S. is dishonest and manipulative, you can’t argue that it wasn’t for a good cause. Collective mitigation is just that, “collective”. Universal lowering of greenhouse gas emissions cannot be done if every country is not making an effort. However, in my opinion the U.S. did not go about it the right way at all. By using dishonesty as a strategy, the U.S. has created unnecessary tensions and mistrust between countries. Third world countries especially cannot be expected to give up as much as first world countries when they do not share even close to the same quality of life. Larger countries need to have more empathy for these smaller and poorer countries and educate rather than try to force. Globally reducing greenhouse emissions is a universal collective action problem and countries need to be honest with each other and build strong relationships in order to successfully work together for positive change.
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Great post. I really liked your systems diagram, very neat and easily understood. I enjoyed how you added the Kyoto agreement into your diagram. I also enjoyed the reference to the United State’s Dishonestly was for a good cause.
Hello, my name is Megan and I admire that you looked into the history of how the Copenhagen Accord was created. I focused a bit more on how the Copenhagen Accord affects the countries and climate change. If you’d like to look at my blog, here’s the link:
I’m not sure you fully grasped what the Copenhagen Accord would contribute to mitigation efforts. Although I agree that it is a collective action problem that all countries need to consider, the Copenhagen was biased towards industrial nations that are producing the most gases so they are less restricted due to their massive footprint.
Dishonesty in negotiations is never a good tactic, I agree, because even if it gains support for one time, it loses our credibility if we ever need it again.
Hello, my name is Taylor. Here is a link to my post:
I think your diagram is very easy to follow and understand. I totally agree that diplomatic policies on climate change needs to be made public. I also agree that even though the approach to get other countries behind the accord was a little barbaric, it’s still a good thing that there’s as many countries behind it now as there is. Hopefully more good will come about than bad. Good luck with the rest of the class!