Learning Activity: Climate Diplomacy

  1. wikileaks
  2. In my system diagram, I wanted to show the relationship between climate change and WikiLeaks cables. I started off by showing some main contributing factors of climate change, which we know as Greenhouse Gases and the use of Fossil Fuels. Because the talk of climate change has become such a major issue in these recent decades, the Copenhagen Accord was created. Climate change is starting to show its effects on certain parts of the Earth. For example, ice caps are melting and the sea level is rising. The United States agrees with this Copenhagen Accord idea, so they go to seek allies in support of this action.Being that the Copenhagen Accord really benefited the United States, action was taken in order to get other countries to agree with this method. Some unethical methods, such as bribery and cyber attacks, were used against other countries which ended up forcing them to sign on to the agreement. Perhaps some challenges will arise in the future, but only time will tell. I can, however, definitely see that happening being that some of the ‘forced’ agreeing countries might rise up against the accord some time down the road. In the end, there were many countries who did not agree with the dishonesty of the United States, but 116 countries signed on and an additional 26 agreed in the end. Even though the countries were manipulated into signing this agreement, one can state that the Copenhagen Accord was successful in reaching its goal of having such a large amount of agreements.
  3. When it comes to my own personal opinion, I certainly have a dead set point on the cables and climate change diplomacy. The cables should definitely be made public. It is the right of the human body to be able to observe and attain such knowledge. The United States is always concerned about the money and getting the better end of a deal. With that being known, it concludes in the overall goal of a project (such as the Copenhagen Accord) to be lost. The goal is to eventually slow down or stop the change of the climate with the census of countries around the world. The United State is obsessed with the fact that they need the POWER when inn fact they need to worry about their STATUS. Giving a bad name by manipulating other countries to agree with such accord is not a way of gaining a higher global status. Even if the act was incorrect, of releasing the State Department Cables, we can only embrace how it was done and hope for a better outcome in time. The cables showed the blunt truth as to what the exact negative impacts are of greenhouse gas emissions and burning of fossil fuels. This should have been done in a less aggressive manner by the United States. The whole truth should have been made aware and nothing should have been left off of the grid to anyone. Secrets are never a good way to get anywhere, especially in politics.

2 thoughts on “Learning Activity: Climate Diplomacy

  1. Hello, my name is Adam Abbott and I am a senior in IST. I really like your diagram because you were able to give it a flow that I was unable to think of when I designed mine. You did a great job describing it too which made it all come together. I also agree with you in the fact that the cables should have been made public via Wiki Leaks or even the government. It is important for the U.S. population to have access to how decisions are made. Furthermore, even if the methods to get support of the Accord were unethical in some ways, those methods should be made public. It is important for future representatives to know these methods so that they can avoid them in the future. Overall I think you did a great job explaining your feelings on the situation.

    If you would like to check out my post here is the link: http://geog030.dutton.psu.edu/2016/04/08/module-9-climate-change-15/

  2. Hi my name is Eric. I liked your post a lot because it is similar to mine. We both made our diagrams about climate change causing the Copenhagen Accord to come about. We also both put in there how the US gained support from other countries. I also like what you said about how the US is ruining the end mean of the whole accord by being unethical. The US should be more worried about helping the environment than being the one with the power.


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