When creating my diagram, I started out with putting the two main categories of “WikiLeaks Cables” and “Climate Change” and then started thinking of the main points in between the two from there. First, I thought of finances because it seems to be one of the biggest concerns that people have with it. Also, I thought it was really important to note because there are billions of dollars being promised and being put into the cables to work to repair problems of climate change. The second was the importance of support. If countries don’t support the cables and the qualifications, it won’t work very well. But if there is support, this can lead to better funding, which in turn would lead to repairs in climate change. The third was trust. Another one of the biggest problems there seems to be with the cables is the uncertainty that promises will be broken. The cables do make a lot of promises, and how can the countries be sure they will be followed through with? Another huge issue with trust is that there was a cable that was kept a secret in the first place. So I can understand why for some countries this may seem very unreliable and like they are missing some important information. The fourth and final major point that I thought linked WikiLeak cables and climate change was involvement. I think the number of countries who are involved and what their affects are on climate change now is really important to note. There are 116 countries are already involved and 26 that plan on being involved. These 140 countries are responsible for over 80% of greenhouse gas emissions. That’s definitely saying something and something needs to be done.
When it comes to this issue, I have some mixed feelings. To be completely honest, I am still a bit confused on how everything played out and what exactly is going on with the WikiLeak cables. However, in regards to whether or not the State Department cables should have been made public, I do think that they should have. I just don’t think it is fair in any way for people to be asked to enter into something under secret conditions. They shouldn’t have to go into something being blind to some information. They have every right to understand all of the stipulations and pieces to what they are entering into, and then make an informed decision from there. I just don’t think secrecy is the right answer. Because why should there be a need for secrets if the plan is already satisfactory and set up for success? A secret to me sends up a red flag that is something is sneaky or wrong and could potentially harm me in some way in the future. It just sounds unreliable. However, I do think that climate change is an issue that needs to be addressed. There is clearly an issue and there needs to be a solid plan to make changes in the future. What that could be, truthfully I don’t really know. After going through all of the other modules, I truthfully believe that changes have to start on a smaller scale and build to where we want to be. Changes won’t happen over night and it needs to be a collective effort. I think each person needs to do their part, and I think a huge step in making that happen is understanding the consequences behind our bad actions. Also, I think it’s important to inform people and help them to understand that changes don’t have to be anything drastic. Truthfully, we can make a difference by changing small things in our lives that in the end will really only affect us minimally, but affect the health of the environment greatly.
Hi Melanie. I thought your description of the core ideas of your diagram was well written and quite logical. I, as well, was confused with the material at first because of how intricate these political games are. I would agree with you that the cables should have been released because I believe it is our right to know how they plan on dealing with climate change. If there weren’t any shady politics or corrupt deals going on, there wouldn’t be a need to hold these summits in private or conduct communications secretly. Our viewpoints are quite similar on this topic, so if you want to check out my post, you can find it here: http://geog030.dutton.psu.edu/2016/04/08/module-9-climate-change-9/.
Hey Melanie. Your post caught my attention because you stated that you were confused by the whole thing, and truthfully, I was as well. Here is a link to my blog if you are interested. https://wp.me/p3RCAy-e4C
I believe that many politicized issues are so confusing because there are so many players and factors involved. You showed this very well in your diagram. Overall, i though that you post was very honest and insightful. I believe it is important to take back climate change, and make it less politicized so we can deal with the real issues as a unified globe. I guess this is harder than it seems.