Yeeren Low – Climate Diplomacy

  1. cilmateDiplomacy_yil5488
  2. Support for the Copenhagen accord affects climate change through actions of governments around the world. Threats against parties (e.g. U.S. to Ethiopia) increase support for Copenhagen. Distrust between parties (e.g. U.S. vs. China, India) affects agreement. Aid to poor nations that support Copenhagen (e.g. Maldives) provides incentive to support Copenhagen. Cutting aid to nations that oppose Copenhagen (e.g. Bolivia) serves as a deterrent against opposing Copenhagen.
  3. Perhaps it is a good thing that the State Department cables are made public. Now we can see what our representatives are doing. such as the cyberattacks which seem totally unethical.

One thought on “Yeeren Low – Climate Diplomacy

  1. Hi, I’m Jim and here is a link to my blog:

    Your diagram is simple and too the point, which I enjoyed. Distrust between the different parties is definitely a key idea behind this incident and it’s good that you included it. I don’t really know how much good this information being public is however. The tactics were shady but almost certainly necessary in order to get a coalition of nations together. Clearly the nations were not cooperative and the only way to get them on board was to use political or financial pressure to get them in support of the accord.

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