- Explain the concept of biodiversity, and relate it to other course concepts.
- “Biodiversity is a measure of variation and richness of living organisms at a particular scale.” This is the definition of biodiversity given from the module 10, and it talks about how there is a lot of variety on Earth, especially in all of the living organisms that are present. Scientists estimate that there are about 50 million species alive in the world today, with that number increasing every single day. Biodiversity is a very important concept to civilization, and it helps establish the world we live in. If there was no biodiversity, our world would not be able to advance to what it is today. The module discusses anthropocentric and ecocentric reasons as to why biodiversity is important to us. Biodiversity is important for anthropocentric reasons such as that all of the different organisms can provide us with important scientific information like medicine, food, and more. Biodiversity is important for ecocentric reasons such as, benefitting from knowing that it exists, and benefits our society. Biodiversity can exist in other things other than just organisms such as parks, plants, trees, and more. These are all important things to protect so that they can stay established, and continue being a major part of our world. Biodiversity can influence other aspects of geography like human environment interactions, individual and collective action and more. There are also many factors that can influence biodiversity such as disturbance, longevity of the system, diverse habitats, and more. Diverse habitats can contribute to biodiversity by because the variability leads to differences in environments, rather than just having a uniform environment. Disturbance also influences biodiversity by creating many different habitats, and creating evolution. All in all, biodiversity can be described in many different ways and talks about the difference and variety in life on earth.
- Draw a concept map of the factors that deal with biodiversity.
- Talk about a relevant example of biodiversity in some aspect of your life, and explain if it is more ecocentric or anthropocentric.
- There are many different aspects of biodiversity that exist in my life, but the one that I think is most prominent is the different varieties of people. From race, to gender, to age, to knowledge, to other characteristic traits, these aspects of humans create a lot of biodiversity. These aspects also are what help the world continue to evolve into the intricate system we currently live in. Through out all of the different races of humans we have, there are many different habitats that we all live in. Culture is a main aspect that can help determine our diverse habitats, and in my life personally there are a lot of different habitats that people live in. From the suburbs, to the city, to the country, to the beach towns, I know a lot of people living in different areas which contributes to biodiversity. Following that, there are large areas that encompass all different kinds of individuals which is another aspect of biodiversity. In my point of view, I think that this example is both anthropocentric and ecocentric. I think that it is anthropocentric because all of the different kinds of people can provide different scientific evidence for how we evolve as humans, and how each individual physiologic components are similar or different from the next. I also think that it is ecocentric, because it is enlightening to know that there are many different kinds of people in the world. It would be very boring, and dissimilar if we were all the same so adding biodiversity into the world contributes an interesting factor. Finally, it is very important to have all of the different kinds of people in the world contributing to biodiversity, and this biodiversity is increasing every single day.
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Hello Madison, my name is Nick. I liked you focused the first part on biodiversity and related it to other important course concepts. I also liked how you tied in personal aspect to biodiversity. In my post I also talked about biodiversity and the possible threats to particular hotspots. Check out my blog post at: https://wp.me/p3RCAy-eQ5