
1.In 250 words or less, decribe issues related to biodversity in your hometown.


I am from the suburbs of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. There are many issues in my town that affect biodiversity. Pittsburgh is a city that is growing fast in population. The increased population puts strain on much of the wildlife in the area. More housing complexing are bing built which is contributing to habitat loss for many creatures. The increased population also increases the amount of pollution created. Another issue related to biodiversity that affects my hometown is the large population of fishers and hunters. This leads to overharvesting of fish and disrupts the population of deer in the area.

2.Create a diagram that captures one of the H.I.P.P.O biodiversity threats

My diagram captures the process of overharvesting

In 250 words or less describe ways in which you can help preserve biodiversity.
Humans have very large impact on biodiversity. There are many things I could do in my everyday life to help preserve biodiversity. When gardening I could limit the use of pesticides and be careful of what types of fertilizers. This would prevent help to prevent habitat loss for many animals and other living creatures. I could also eat more organic food. This would decrease the amount of fertilizers farmers are using. I could also buy sustainably harvested seafood. This would help prevent overharvesting. Recycling and using more products made from sustainable materials would help decrease pollution.It would also be helpful by limiting the amount of energy i am using by taking shorter showers and only using lights when necessary.asnel biodiversity

3 thoughts on “Biodiversity

  1. Hi! My name is Micaelie. I recently moved to a very over populated area of Pennsylvania, I definitely feel that the biodiversity is affected by this over population as well. There are so many town houses being built, it creates an increase in populations there for more cars, more stores, more pollution etc. I also feel like because it is so crowded, people become frustrated and honestly are not in great moods all the time. I notice a difference when going to less populated areas in peoples moods and health and am unsure why people think its a good idea to keep building more housing complexes to populate an over populated area more…what do you think? here is my post…

  2. Hi Aaliyah! My name is Kevin and I too am from the suburbs of Pittsburgh! Well that is where I went to high school atleast, (Upper St. Clair) and I am very curious about your analysis of the area! I do not go home very often but every time I do my father drives me around to show me new housing developments and gives me his “you should move back to Pittsburgh” pitch. I have rarely thought about how this affect the local ecosystem but it should be something that I should consider. However this is always a point of contention, the expansion of the residential areas is always going to be in conflict with the environment and one of the many reasons population expansion is so hard to tackle.

  3. Hi Aallyah! Check out my post here:

    It’s Karissa and I really like your post due to the focus of your systems diagram. It’s interesting how you chose a single idea from the H.I.P.P.O acronym and broke it down. You were able to show how the single problem contributed to biodiversity reduction. It is important to see what creates these problems and the possible outcomes we face if no action is taken.

    Great post!


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