Module 10: Amazon Rainforest System Diagram

  1. Using Module 10- Biodiversity as a resource, draw a system diagram connecting the Case Study: The Amazon Rainforest to biodiversity. The diagram should have at least six system components and the arrows should point in a logical direction and be explained. Be sure to include plenty of detail about the study, about biodiversity, and about the impacts between the two.

geology module 10

2. In another paragraph, explain what your ideas are behind your system diagram. Be sure to include details so others know what you are trying to portray.

Based on my system diagram, I portrayed the idea of biodiversity within the Amazon Rainforest. Biodiversity is the measure of variation and richness of living organisms at a particular scale, specifically a large scale in the Amazon Rainforest. Being the Amazon Rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world, it is home to about 50% of global biodiversity. However, it is also the most threatened ecosystem in the world because clear cutting impacts it. There is a major problem with clear cutting, as it leads to climate change. Climate change also damages hundreds to thousands of established species interactions since it is very difficult to only damage one, being that thousands of many species live in trees. In the Amazon, population growth and poverty encourage poor farmers to clear new areas of the rainforest. These ideas are exacerbated further from government policies. When these farmers clear parts of the environment, it leaves very less fertile soil left to help rebuild the forest. If deforestation keeps occurring, there will be no rainforests left within about 100 years.

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About sme5313

Shelby Epstein is an inspired professional with a strong passion for building lasting relationships. Through 5 years of professional practice and involvement, Shelby grew many of her business expertise in communication, time management, and customer service. She aspires full-time employment in the field of Management Consulting where she is able to deliver engaging and measurable solutions to problems that occur. Patience is Shelby’s key attribute when working with others in a team. Great service overrides fast service. Shelby is able to take the time to truly figure out what the customer wants and gives them competent service. The more patient interactions Shelby has with others, the better she is able to understand their underlying problems and needs. Shelby has been a very active student within the Penn State Community. She is a member of the Kappa Delta sorority where she inspires women to gain confidence to achieve their dreams while taking philanthropic actions on campus and in the community. Shelby participates in sorority community service events that benefit the Prevent Child Abuse America organization and the Girls Scouts of the USA. Her passion and involvement with her sorority in THON, a student-run philanthropy event committed to enhancing the lives of children and families impacted by childhood cancer, assisted in raising a total of $90,000. Her mission is to inspire everyone around her to reach their full potential. Aside from Shelby’s professional career and involvement in school activities, Shelby enjoys traveling and meeting new people. After studying abroad for four months in Barcelona, Shelby aspires to continue visiting new places around the world!

3 thoughts on “Module 10: Amazon Rainforest System Diagram

  1. Hey, I really like your system diagram! You certainly went very in depth on the diagram, and even included some areas of discussion that weren’t included in the module. While I didn’t include a system diagram in my post, we both seemed to focus on the amazon due to its huge amount of biodiversity. I argued that ecocentric values were a more effective way of protecting biodiversity because if all we care about is what we can get out of something we are more likely to exploit it. I also went into some causes of biodiversity loss in my area, as well as some threats to biodiversity in the ocean as a result of ocean acidification. Feel free to check out my post!

  2. Hi, your system graph draws me in. This is a super detailed-depiction on what’s going on in Amazon forests. The graph sets out from biodiversity and explores the impact of clear cutting, and deforestation. I also learned a new fact from your post that the forest would be gone in 100 years if we keep clearing out the forests.In my post I talked about the Colony Collapse Disorder.

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