Module 10- Biodiversity

  1. Use the factors noted in this module (physically diverse habitat, moderate disturbance, large area, and longevity of system) to describe species in your hometown. How do these factors play a role in the species present in this particular area? Use approximately 100 words to describe each factor. Note some popular species in your hometown, and be sure to note what your hometown is.
    1. I live in Wyomissing, PA, which is on the more southeastern side of the state. I live in a suburban town, with some shopping centers and many residential neighborhoods. Some very popular animals in my hometown are birds, skunks, bats, and squirrels.
    2. Physically diverse habitat: Because of the mild climate in Pennsylvania, a large amount of species can live in Pennsylvania year-round, but some do hibernate for colder months. There is also plenty of water for the animals to enjoy, with many lakes and rivers present throughout the state. Pennsylvania has a long summer and also spring and fall weather, so there is plenty of sunlight for some animals, while others enjoy the long, dark nights. Pennsylvania also has a large amount of variability in topography. While where I live is mostly residential neighborhoods, there are many forests with trees and rivers nearby.
    3. Moderate disturbance: Biodiversity in Pennsylvania is in part because of the very little disturbances in the area. Storms in Pennsylvania are very moderate, while we do not get many tornadoes or hurricanes. There has also never been a tsunami or volcano eruption in my hometown. Forest fires are not very frequent either. I would guess that humans cause the largest amount of disturbance in my hometown. There are frequently being new homes built around where I live, and fields are being taken out to put new shopping centers in. Traffic can also become very heavy where I live, which may also cause disturbances.
    4. Large area: Since Pennsylvania is on the North American continent, biodiversity becomes especially high. Animals can move throughout the United States because it is not separated by a large ocean. Specifically in my hometown, I would not think that there are many species coming or going in and out. Because of the high traffic area that I live in, some land masses are now separated by highways, that may have split up habitats that were there in the past. Animals can’t really cross the highways very easily. Not far from my hometown there are also large bodies of water, which may also separate species.
    5. Longevity of system: My hometown was established in 1906. While of course the land was there before the town was established, the establishment brought a lot of development with it that may have affected the biodiversity in the area. Humans are continuing to change the town overtime, by adding more roads and buildings. Where there used to be many fields and forests, there are now neighborhoods, schools, and shopping centers. As the population of humans grows, I believe that the biodiversity of other species must be decreasing.

2 thoughts on “Module 10- Biodiversity

  1. Hey Sarah! my name is Shanda. Here’s a link to my blog
    I really liked your post. I didn’t think to look at storms and tornadoes in PA, and I really liked how you compared scales. I agree with you about biodiversity decreasing. My post focused on the human activity and its influences to the environment, and how that impacts biodiversity. I think that it is really scary how we are able to wipe species off of the planet. Have a safe blue and white weekend!

  2. Hello Sarah, my name is Megan, and I loved how you took the factors that influence diversity and used them to categorize your home town. I compared a local situation with one of the past, which you can see in many of your examples. If you would like to take a look, here is the link:

    Pennsylvania is a very vibrant state in my opinion, although we do not have as much diversity in climate as some places do in the United States, I agree that having a temperate climate allows animals to remain in their habitat throughout the year instead of having to relocate for poor weather. I think it would be interesting to compare your local town to a nearby one and state how they effect the environment differently and which is more sustainable. Thank you for the good read.

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