- First, pick a species on the endangered species list. (found here: https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/directory?direction=desc&sort=extinction_status). You can choose from the vulnerable and threatened categories as well. Then, research WHY this animal is in danger, and in 200-350 words, describe what actions lead to this animal’s endangerment. Could this have been prevented, or is the animal on this list because of natural occurrences?
The animal I chose from the endangered species list was the African Elephant. This animal is actually considered to be vulnerable and not endangered. The African Elephant is the biggest land animal on Earth. A big reason why I chose this animal is not only because it is my personal favorite, but also because of the illegal activity associated with this animal. The African Elephant’s tusks are extremely desirable, making them a target for poaching within the illegal ivory trade. The Illegal ivory trade started in Africa and kills over 70,000 African and Asian Elephants a year. Mainly used for manufacturing, ivory is extremely valuable and considered to be an indication of wealth. Although there have been many acts and treaties to ban the illegal trade, they have been unsuccessful for the most part, hence the endangered list. Considering the African Elephant is on the vulnerable list due to it’s illegal poaching, I think that this endangerment is definitely man-made, and is a direct result of human behavior. If we were to stop illegal poaching, it is inevitable that the African Elephant’s population would increase, thus eventually taking them off of the list. I understand that ivory is desirable, but I think that completely wiping an animal off of the planet to meet your selfish needs is completely disgraceful.
- In another 200-350 words, pick your favorite module/topic from the semester. What was most eye-opening to you?
My favorite topic to learn about this semester was the climate change lecture. I’ve taken several other classes involving the environment, but I liked how climate change was explained. I think the most crucial part of understanding climate change and the human influence was to stress about climate vs. weather. Overall from the lecture I got to understand about individual action and just how impactful what I do from day to day can positively or negatively influence a society. I think that climate change and biodiversity go hand-in-hand. The world has suffered from huge biodiversity loss as a result of human activity. Furthermore, the same applies to the results of climate change which have severely adverse affects on the environment. Climate Change also helped me understand more about my final project, which is about oil. The emission of fossil fuels into the atmosphere and overall understanding of polar ice caps melting really can impact biodiversity by certain animals being unable to thrive in new, compromising positions. Animals on the endangered list are there mostly by illegal poaching or due to the vast change of their environments. I find it to be pretty terrible that we are losing animals due to human behavior, but as of now, our economy is running on fossil fuel consumption, so we must adhere.
Hi my name is Eric. Your post caught my eye because I am doing my final paper on endangered species and how they affect us. It honestly upsets me that people do not care how other animals are treated as long as they are getting money out of it. Also, I agree with your opinion on the lesson on climate change. Climate change is a huge problem when looking at it in long term.
Hi Shanda, my name is Dorish and here’s a link to my blog if you’re interested:
What caught my eye was that you discussed elephants – my favorite animal. African Elephants are very vulnerable, which is why there has been so much in the media lately regarding the selling of their ivory and many people are taking actions to preserve the livelihood of elephants. One company, Ivory Ella, works by selling clothing and using their profits towards saving the elephants. Ivory is not as important as the life of an animal and this is something I think many should consider.
I enjoyed reading your post.
– Dorish
Hi Shanda! My name is Taylor, here is a link to my post:
It’s very sad to see the way that our species disrespects the environment. The mistreatment and cruelty shown to elephants is just one example and a drop in the bucket when it comes to this problem. I also really enjoyed the course module that focused on climate change. I thought it did a good job of putting things into perspective. Good luck with the rest of the course!