Joe Carlamere_Lesson 6

The years leading up to high school were tough at times; some might say that I was kind of a late bloomer. At the end of the eight grade I stood a robust 5’3” tall and was overweight. When hanging out with friends I would always try to not partake in food consumption, not because they would make fun of me, but I felt self-conscious about what they might have been thinking. Over the summer months I grew 5 inches making me slightly taller than the average high school freshman and because of the growth spurt my weight problem worked itself out. I think many people have the same struggle as a preteenager and now looking back I can laugh about the whole thing. However, the need to fit in to what society says is the norm is not always easy; I think many of us still find ourselves worrying about social norms and spending much of our time thinking about what others might be thinking.

It is astounding that we are in the 21st century and famine still exists, for a community, city, or country to not to have access to food is deplorable. Additionally, for famine to be accepting to the point that it becomes a social norm is criminal. I am not discussing famine caused by environmental conditions or plight, but the famine caused by large agriculture commodity trader that are buying up much of the farmlands causing food riots in the Middle East and South Asia. This problem is going to take collective action to solve; there is no excuse for a company to purchase land to grow food and not provide the community in which the farm is located with that food. These same companies are recording triple profits on the backs of the people that are suffering from starvation. Swift action must be taken and it is up to all of us to make it happen.

Lesson 6