Climate Financing

1.)Briefing on climate financing

Obi Anyadike wrote an article for IRIN News that sort of gives an update on where the world is with climate change. This is something that effects the entire world and everyone in it not just a specific country or location. The United Nations has put into play efforts to help finance emission reduction projects. Many countries are on board with this plan however, developing countries are having a harder time with this idea. It is one thing to come up with a plan to reduce carbon emissions by rebuilding certain processes and structures but, it is another to have the finance to execute the plan. For example, Anyadike states that Indonesia is struggling to meet funding requirements due to failing efforts to regulate commercial logging to control slash and burn deforestation. Many other countries have this same struggle due to corrupt sale of illegal concessions or the non-enforcement of laws. This article reflects topics covered in previous modules such as climate change and sustainability. Without a sustainable environment, human population will not sustain itself.

2.) Climate Finance: What was actually agreed in Paris?

Smita Nakhooda posted an article on the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) about the last UK negotiations in 2015. Countries are continuously scaling up funding for climate. Banks are investing large amounts of money in the initiative and Nakhooda states that France especially, is making large efforts to adjust to the changing climate by advancing technology in renewable and clean energy and low-emission transport and agriculture. The article states that as part of the negotiations, “at least $100 billion per year will be mobilized from public and private sources to help developing countries mitigate and adapt to climate change by 2020 and a new bigger goal is to be agreed by 2025. Again climate change and environment sustainability is brought up this article but with plans to fix the issue at hand.

3.) Comparison

Both of these articles discuss a topic on a global scale. Considering the magnitude of the topic, it very much so affects all of us no matter the location. Of course location may have different effects than other locations but the fact of the matter still remains that climate change is a global issue. On thing that we can all take away from these two articles is that climate change is real, just look at the weather lately in NEPA, whether its global warm, cooling, or what ever countries around the world have notice that it is time to start taking action while they still can and we can help. Although one person reducing their carbon emissions, by perhaps driving less, is not a big different, if everyone did it then the results would be more large-scale. Examining this topic now is important if we want the Earth to still be inhabitable in the next 100 years by taking care of issues that pop up such as climate change and the effects it brings.