The main ideas behind my diagram show that a technological revolution in India, like the one in the video, can expand into technological advancements throughout a region and even into the poorest slums in the countryside. Relating this back to the lesson, i believe this shows an increased stability in the ecosystem that is India. Using a more renewable resource of cow dung turned into gas compared to cutting down trees for fire is better for the environment and health. Also technology obviously played a big part in this transformation. Using new gas ranges to cook leads to less deforestation. And finally this is a positive feedback loop. More things came as a result of the human intervention.
My diagram is similar to the one in the article because they both show the human interaction that goes into improving the ecosystem. In turn, the improved ecosystem can help benefit the humans. They differ because mine does not have as much detail but is more specific to the scenario. The environment in that part of India shows that the model is universal to any ecosystem that has human interaction. The ecosystem has its own cycle and so does the social system. They both work together to become stronger.
Hi Tyler, my name is Eunice! I thought you and I had very similar thoughts about the creation of biogas in India. I also thought the creation of biogas would really positively affect on the social system and ecosystem. Probably that’s one reason why our diagram look similar, but I thought your diagram was more sophisticated than mine. You had more points both in the social system and ecosystem. This is just my opinion, but I think your diagram would look better if you explained more about the arrows. This is my blog entry!
Hi Tyler, my name is Alexis! I noticed on your diagram you mentioned the idea of technological revolution. I think it is very interesting as I never saw that technology such as the biogas tank, will and already has revolutionized our society. In my diagram I focus a lot on the social system aspect, as in how this effects the women and children of the Indian society. I mention in my diagram how the compost produced from the biogas tank also allows families in that area to start a business and make profit. Check out my diagram at