MOD 1: Getting to know me!

Hello! My name is Alexus Gersbacher but I go by Lexie. I currently live in State College but Syracuse, NY is where I call home. I’m in my junior year and my major is Early Childhood Education (PreK-4). With this major I will be a certified teacher, enabling me to go teach anywhere in the world. I’m interested in the Human Geography specifically, I think it’s interesting learning about how human societies are arranged differently world-wide.

One issue that I find very worthy of discussion is air pollution. I plan to become a teacher somewhere in a metropolitan area and it’s found that most air pollution exists at the scale of a city or metropolitan area. Due to this the air pollution will heavily affect people who live in the city and breathe the air there. I’d love to further my understandings on air pollution and learn about ways I can go about diminishing it and also ways in which I can teach my future students how to better protect their air and environment as well.

2 thoughts on “MOD 1: Getting to know me!

  1. Hi Lexie, my name is Alyssa Gammel. Heres my blog link:
    Your post caught my eye because I am also an education major. I am in the middle school program (4-8). We are probably in a lot of classes together, or will be at some point. I think its great that you want the knowledge to eventually teach your students how to help the environment! Hopefully, down the line, the cities are beginning to diminish the air pollution. A class I took last semester talked all about the difficulties of cities and the way they adversely affect the environment. One of the topics we talked about in class was where all the garbage from the cities goes. With the garbage and the air pollution, these cities really need to be cleaned. Hopefully before you get there to teach!!

  2. Hi Lexie. My name is Jonah and my blog entry can be found here:
    I kind of had the same idea for your issue, except I thought about pollution at a world level. It’s very interesting to bring big picture ideas like pollution and to narrow it down to where you as an individual think about how pollution affects you. For you and your student’s sakes, I hope we start doing a lot better cleaning up the air in metropolitan cities!

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