Learning Activity: Getting To Know You

My name is Alexandra Herron and I live in Old Forge. I’ve spent most of my life in Old Forge but my earlier years in Exeter. I’m currently majoring in Early Childhood Education which is grades Pre-k through 4th. This course is a General Education course that I need but I would like to learn more about the relationship between humans and the environment. I had a geography class in high school that I learned practically nothing in, besides which states are which. Aside from being a full time college student, I work for my family’s auto parts business. I’ve thought of minoring in business in case I choose to take my career in that direction but I’ve realized that kids make me happy.

I feel a little fuzzy about what the correlation between geography and politics are but I would like to learn more about that. I see that geography plays a major part  in the supply chain which makes sense when you read about it. We take a lot of products from the environment which then have to go through logistics to reach their final destination, which is being consumed by other countries. I would like to know the severity of extinction due to mass demand. The extinction of living things and deforestation, how bad are the effects? I think pollution would be a good thing to address, since our daily habits have a major impact on the environment. Maybe we could go over alternative choices that we have that are more beneficial to our environment and the air we breathe. This would be important because it would make us and the environment more healthy.

3 thoughts on “Learning Activity: Getting To Know You

  1. Hey Alexandra, I’ve honestly never really thought about the correlation between politics and geography either. But I often think about the culture difference between these people who prefer one party over another. We see in the maps the the southern part of the united states is usually Republican and the North is democratic. I’ve always seen big culture differences between these two parts of the country. Thinking about this, It would make sense that different cultures treat the environment differently. More modern cultures tend to be more careful about where and how to throw away trash while another culture may not be so organized about it. This could really effect our environment.
    Here is my post: https://wp.me/p3RCAy-aQJ

  2. Hi Alexandra.
    I’m Chris and there were several similarities between my blog post and yours and we both have some of the same concerns/ideas. My post was about how humans don’t realize the impact that their own individual actions have on the environment. I agree that we need to come up with ways to make the environment and us as humans more healthy. Hopefully we can all become better educated on the important issues of pollution and deforestation, and be able to make better decisions so we can protect our planet.
    Here is the link to my blog in case you want to learn more about me:

  3. Hi Alexandra! My name is Emily and I agree with your comment about not knowing too much about the correlation between geography and politics. I think it will be interesting to learn more about this through this course. Pollution is something we definitely do need to address – we have come a long way with improvements but it is still not enough. I hope that someday we can have less polluted air surrounding us. Here is the link to my blog post: http://sites.psu.edu/geog30/2016/01/14/about-me-2/.

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