Module 1: Getting to know you

Hi everyone! My name is Eunice Hae Jin Lee, a sophomore here at Penn State University Park. Quick interesting fact about me is that I lived in 6 different countries all my life. I was born in Athens, Ohio but was raised mostly in the Middle East because of my dad’s job as a civil engineer. I lived here in the States, South Korea, Kuwait, U.A.E , Sri Lanka and Qatar. I am studying PK-4 education and would love to graduate with master’s degree. I would like to teach abroad. Maybe in the Middle East in a American School and help students who were raised like me (raised in the different country and culture). To be honest, I don’t know a lot about geography and I am really hoping I learn something from this course to help my future career as a teacher. Another fact about me is that I have friends all around the world. My 5 best friends are all from different countries and study around the world.

Above all, I am really interested in the climate change around the world. One major reason is that since I have lived in the middle east and have experienced how the climate has been changing for few years, it scares me how different it might be in the future. For example, since the Middle East has low chance of raining, most countries don’t have a perfect draining system but since 2010, most of the Middle Eastern countries have had rains that continuous caused serious flooding. Also, living in Sri-Lanka where a natural disasters tsunami has occurred in 2004 and looking at the how it affected human impacts, it questioned me how we could stop or prevent such disasters if we can. We have to know that climate change is a serious matter in our lives and to our world. Just as how humans can impact the environment, environment can impact on us.

One thought on “Module 1: Getting to know you

  1. Hi, my name is Neil Karmaker and I am a senior studying Materials Science and Engineering. Here is a link to my post:

    First of all I would like to say I am amazed at all the places you lived in, and very jealous of your travels. Secondly, I did not realize this climate change was having such a big effect in places like the Middle East. Whenever I think about climate change I always imagine beach coast lines rising up on the land, ice caps melting, and very sad polar bears. But in all seriousness, it is very necessary to understand that climate change is affecting all areas of the world, and I thank you for helping me realize that.

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