Hello everyone my name is Eric Acosta and I am currently a freshman at University Park. I grew up in Kingston, Pennsylvania which is about 20 minutes from Scranton. My intended major at the moment is aerospace engineering and I am also thinking getting a minor in astronomy and astrophysics. I am leaning toward this major and minor because I have always loved studying astronomy and I would love to be an engineer for NASA one day. In high school I had an Environmental Science class and my teacher really opened my eyes to how humans are impacting the earth. I took this course because I wanted to learn even more about effects of humans. Not only did I want to learn more I believe it is extremely important to know as much as you can about the subject because the knowledge is definitely going to be necessary in the future.
One topic that interests me is the change in the earth’s climate. Its been noticeably warmer than it has been in the past and it is definitely because of human impacts. I read an article once that said that the earth’s climate naturally fluctuates between periods of warm and cold over many years, but this warm period is too extreme to be from natural causes. I remember when I was younger it used to snow at least every week during the winter months and this year it wasn’t until January did we see our first snowfall. It may not seem like its that bad but at this rate, who know what the future is going to be like. people need to start burning fuels more responsibly, polluting less, and caring more about the environment. It might not affect us at the moment, but if we continue with our ways, our children or grandchildren will definitely feel the affects.
Hi Eric, my name is Devin and I am also at UP. You can find my post here: http://geog030.dutton.psu.edu/2016/01/20/getting-to-know-you-16/
I have a friend that is interested in astrophysics. Anyway, I thought it was really cool that you want to work for NASA. It’s a big dream but hopefully you can accomplish it. Good luck.
Hi Eric, my name is Karissa and I also attend University Park. You can find my post here https://wp.me/p3RCAy-aVo.
What I found interesting about your post is your interest in becoming an engineer for NASA. I have always found astronomy and space travel to be extremely compelling topics. I feel it is a great field of work to enter especially with the recent discovery of water on Mars. I hope that in the near future there will be a need for people like you to help us have a better understanding of our universe. Best of luck!