Module 3- Ethics

    1. Is it more important to be a good person or to perform good acts (virtue ethics vs. action ethics)?

    In my opinion, action ethics means a lot more than simple value ethics. However, this being said, I also think that without value ethics, action ethics would not be possible. It is important to consider both of these sides of ethics as valid and important. Also, it is perhaps even more important to stand up for what you believe in, which is exactly what action ethics portrays. It is not simply enough to think about living a fulfilling and ethically-sound life without acting upon it. Action ethics creates the idea that people who see something morally wrong will do anything in their power to set said thing right. For example, someone who thinks deforestation in the Amazon is morally wrong, but practices value ethics would keep their opinion to themselves. Someone practicing action ethics would perhaps attempt to educate their peers on the wrong-doing that is happening. Although that example only provides a simple action, it accomplishes more. In order to lead a morally-sound life, action ethics is important to set an example for others to do the same.4.

    4. I see ecosystems existing for the benefit of all species that take part in its daily life. Although humans have indeed impacted pretty much every ecosystem, I think that it is important for us to remember whom it belonged to first- non-human animals. I am a believer in ecocentric ethics; however, accomplishing this in practice in today’s culture is almost impossible. Ecosystems have existed before humans and in many cases some have severely suffered because of us as a species. Although the human impact cannot be ignored, as we are so prevalent, we also must remember there are other species trying to share the same resources. Although humans are supposed to be the “most intelligent” and other things, we cannot figure out how to share evenly with nature. Throughout history, we have always taken more than we actually need, creating too many extinct species, in my opinion. Ecocentrism benefits the non-human animals and plants that depend on their habitat to care for them; in the same way, if we as a species were to adopt this view, I would not doubt that we would also flourish.

    6. Is my own life worth more than the lives of others, the same, or less (selfishness vs. altruism)?In this age, our culture makes each and every one of us want to believe that we are special little snowflakes and that each of us are exponentially more important than the people standing on either side of us. However, in my opinion, my life is worth the same as any other person on this planet. This being said, I think that a certain level of altruism is important, while a level of selfishness should also be present. Don’t get me wrong, I think that selfishness is bad and that we need to care for others as well as ourselves. There is a point, however, where being completely altruistic is harmful to one’s well-being. If everyone were completely altruistic and good, there would be no harm; we all know there are bad people out there, however, and they would not hesitate to take everything one had to offer. By creating a balance in these characteristics, I think that you can achieve the point where you can see how you, your personality, your talents can be used in the right way in this world.

One thought on “Module 3- Ethics

  1. Hey, check out my blog post!

    Great Bog! Very eye opening. I liked your comparison to the way we are believed to be “special little snowflakes”. it made me chuckle. I can agree with the fact that action ethics leads by example. Never thought about how we weren’t the first here on earth, some animals and their ecosystems have been here longer and deserve to be respected.

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