Water Use: Shelby Epstein

1a) Other than living in State College during the school year, my hometown is in Doylestown Pennsylvania. From my area, water is a primary resource that is used mainly all the time. The water in Doylestown follows a supply chain as it moves from place to place. The source of water in Doylestown comes from the Doylestown Borough Water Department, which provides water service to customers in the Borough of Doylestown and a few outlying municipalities such as Buckingham, and other Doylestown townships. Doylestown Township Municipal Authority is the head authority, which serves water to municipalities such as New Britain Borough, Buckingham, Doylestown, New Britain, Plumstead, and Warrington townships. The water from these authorities goes into the homes of the people who live in those municipalities. From the drain those homes, the water travels into the sewer system. The sewer system in Doylestown is owned and administered by the Bucks County Water and Sewer (BCWSA) Company. Every house/ family’s sewer charge is based directly on their water usage.

1b) Calculated Results are shown in gallonsScreen Shot 2016-02-06 at 3.59.19 PM

1c) If I were to live in an area where water is a restricted resource and I could only use two gallons of water for one day, I would prioritize how I used my water. In the experiment, I would use my water to drink and cook meals, and also shower. Instead of taking a 15-minute shower, I would limit it to not even 5 minutes using a low-flow showerhead so I could conserve the water for other things that I need. After cooking a meal, I would use the leftover water to drink. That way, I wouldn’t drink all of the water and had some to make a meal. Based on the experiment, I would definitely fail. On a regular basis, I use more than 100 gallons of water a day. If I were limited to only two gallons, I would never be able to get through a day. As you can see in my graph, I use water for more things like laundry, faucets, toilets, instead of in the experiment with only drinking, cooking, and showering. Geography matters to water use because for places such as Haiti and Mozambique, they do not have a great water supplier in which they can’t consistently be given water unlike where I am from. They do not have the resources that I do, which supplies me so that I am able to use 100 + gallons of water everyday.

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About sme5313

Shelby Epstein is an inspired professional with a strong passion for building lasting relationships. Through 5 years of professional practice and involvement, Shelby grew many of her business expertise in communication, time management, and customer service. She aspires full-time employment in the field of Management Consulting where she is able to deliver engaging and measurable solutions to problems that occur. Patience is Shelby’s key attribute when working with others in a team. Great service overrides fast service. Shelby is able to take the time to truly figure out what the customer wants and gives them competent service. The more patient interactions Shelby has with others, the better she is able to understand their underlying problems and needs. Shelby has been a very active student within the Penn State Community. She is a member of the Kappa Delta sorority where she inspires women to gain confidence to achieve their dreams while taking philanthropic actions on campus and in the community. Shelby participates in sorority community service events that benefit the Prevent Child Abuse America organization and the Girls Scouts of the USA. Her passion and involvement with her sorority in THON, a student-run philanthropy event committed to enhancing the lives of children and families impacted by childhood cancer, assisted in raising a total of $90,000. Her mission is to inspire everyone around her to reach their full potential. Aside from Shelby’s professional career and involvement in school activities, Shelby enjoys traveling and meeting new people. After studying abroad for four months in Barcelona, Shelby aspires to continue visiting new places around the world!

2 thoughts on “Water Use: Shelby Epstein

  1. Hi Shelby, My name is Ben Bishop and I am also from Doylestown, Pa. I am a biomedical engineering major who is currently attending his first semester at PSU! I couldn’t agree more with your answer to 1c. I too feel as if i would fail just based off of my daily lifestyle and my customs. Also your chart is similar to mine due to the size of the values. They are proportional and i assume yours are smaller because you have a smaller household! I would love it if you read my blog and told me what you think. Heres the link:

  2. Hi! My name is Julie! Here is my link: https://wp.me/p3RCAy-bl9

    I found that our cities that we are from sound very similar when it comes to the process of water. I also tend to use more than 100 gallons of water a day. Therefore, I can relate closely to the idea that 2 gallons a day is very difficult. In my post, I talked about how I would prioritize by using drinking water and water to shower also!

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