Module 4

1-a: I live in Oyster Bay, New York, a small town on Long Island. The Oyster Bay Water District covers an area of four square miles having 48.8 miles of water main.   This district has five supply wells that produce 9.2 million gallons of water a day. Our drinking and everyday water usage comes from rivers and lakes that are distributed to industrial facilities and then distributed to homes. The sewer system sends wastewater from certain locations into the waterways that feed our water supply, rivers, and lakes via a water waste treatment plant. Our water treatment plants clean this wastewater and then send it into groundwater pumps, which are drilled into the Glacial and Magothy aquifers, that pumps five wells throughout the Oyster Bay community leading to homes. This water system is described as a loop. In other words, when sending wastewater out of the house, it essentially does the same thing by flowing in the same loop: wastewater being sent to the sewer system goes to the treatment plants and groundwater pumps to be cleaned and distributed.


Brushing Teeth

(Sink running)

Shower (10 minutes) 40
Flushing Toilet (5 times) 15
Wash Hands

(6 times for 15 seconds with sink running)

Drink 1
Hand wash Dishes

(Sink running for 5 minutes)



TOTAL 98.8


1-c: Living on only 2 gallons of water is extremely tricky. I would designate one half of a gallon to drinking water, because I do not consume a lot of water in a day. The other one half of a gallon would be used for my hygiene, such as washing my hands or attempting clean myself very lightly. The other whole gallon would be used for cooking because eating and having nutrients is very important to me. Knowing this is an impossible scenario, I failed at the attempt to only use 2 gallons of water for a day. To cut down water footprints, I did not keep the sink running while I brushed my teeth and washed my hands. When I showered I did not wash my hair; this cut my shower time down to nearly 2 minutes rather than 10. I did flush the toilet multiple times which itself consists of more than 2 gallons of water. Also, I did end up drinking more than half a gallon of water because working out made me thirsty. This experiment showed me that I waste a lot of water. In part b it shows my actions with the sink continuously running for no reason. This activity taught me not to keep the sink running and conserve water. Geography is very important to water consumption because where I live I have an unlimited supply of clean water, which explains my actions of wasting some water, whereas Haiti has a very scarce water supply which limits people to 2 gallons a day. With little or no water consumption it is impossible to sustain a healthy life. I am fortunate to live in a town where water is not an issue.

One thought on “Module 4

  1. Hey Samantha! My name is Caren, feel free to check out my blog:

    Similar to the filtration system in Oyster Bay, NY, the filtration system in my hometown is also described as a loop where water gets cleaned and then once it is sewage, it goes through the process again. I noticed we had similar reasons as to why it was hard to restrict our water usage to 2 gallons. I agree that it is necessary to wash your hands multiple times a day in order to keep away germs and disease. Also, I never realized how much water I could save from just turning off the faucet when brushing my teeth. I think if everyone made these simple changes then we could conserve and sustain a healthy life.

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