Christina Liptak Module 4


I am going my water supply chain on Schuylkill Haven.  The source of the water comes from surface water from the Silver Creek Reservoir, which is fed by Tumbling Run. About 4 million gallons of water is withdrawn per day. About 10,000 customers is served by the water system.  Silver Creek Reservoir is where the water supply intakes are located. About 6.1 square miles of land drain into the creek upstream from the intake. This land upstream of the intakes is 0.2% agricultural, 89% greenspace/forested, and 0.2% developed. The remaining of the land is open water. After that it goes down the drain which then goes to the sewer plant. The sewer plant is located on Saint Charles Street. This is also the location of the recycling center for the borough. The residents could take their cardboard boxes, newspaper, junk mail and yard waste down here also. The borough also conducts recycling of computers and other stuff at least once a year.


Activities Gallons used
Flushing toilet 9 gallons
Washing hands 3 gallons
Shower 150 gallons
Brushing teeth 2 gallons
Washing clothes 25 gallons



I mainly use the water for cooking and drinking. I also did quick wash up in the tub. After my tub wash I used the water to flush the toilet with. The main priorities that I set for my water use was for cooking and drinking any water I had remaining I used to clean up and flushed the toilet. The one thing that I could do is to cut back on the time I take my shower. I feel that it was a failure due to the tub bath using most of the water I had. I used a lot of water to take my shower compare to my tub bath. Since we live in a place where we are not restricted on the amount of water we get to use some people may use more or less water depending on what has to be done for the day. The amount of water used may also depend on the amount of people are in a family. The more people in the family the more water you will use.

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