Joshua Wilkins Module 4 post

I live in State College, Pennsylvania and 99% of the water here is pumped up from groundwater. Almost 16 million gallons per day is pumped up for commercial use. From here, the water is transported through pipes to the State College Borough Water Authority. There is it cleaned and filtered for consumers. Through pipes that mostly follow roads and other major junctions, it finally makes it to homes and out of the tap. After it is used in the dwelling or home, the water is transported, again through pipes along roads, to the PSU water treatment facility. They receive a little less than three million gallons of water per day.


teeth brushings: 2 times

showers: 1 for 15 minutes

toilet flushes: 6 times

water drank: 7 glasses

total: 95.42 gallons per day


Some areas of use for water during this experiment are cooking, hydrating, and bathing. These are three most important uses of water in daily life, and is what the water consumption will be limited to for this day. The first priority would be to set aside the least amount of water need to cook whatever food would be cooked that day. If it were to be boiling rice, a small amount of water would be needed, but there are many courses that do not require any water for cooking. Using the least amount of water possible here frees up water for later use during the day. The rest of the remaining water must be set aside for bathing, toilet use, and hydrating. Bathing and toilet use could be limited easily by washing wish just a small amount of water and a washcloth and toilet use by consolidating trips to the restroom throughout the day, respectively. My experiment proved to be a success. I was able to use just under 2 gallons of water for the day. It was difficult, and I am happy this is not a regular challenge for my days. Geography matters to water use, because different regions use different amounts of water, as well as different regions get water from different sources and dispose of their waste in different manners.

2 thoughts on “Joshua Wilkins Module 4 post

  1. Hi Josh, I think that it is awesome that you live in State College where almost all of the water is pumped from groundwater. My hometown is very similar because that is also where we get our water. Congratulations that you were able to go the whole day without going over two gallons of water! I ended up failing this experiment once I did use the bathrooms on campus. Here is a link to my post:

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