Case Study Module 5

Case 1:

The case study I have chosen is the Chad/Cameroon Oil and Pipeline Project. The study covers a pipeline being built from Chad to Cameroon’s Atlantic coast. The people of Chad and Cameroon want Environmental Justice since they feel this pipeline could destroy nature and their water supply if there was even one spill because of the seventeen major river crossings. This would in turn destroy the local fishing and tourist businesses that the local villages depend on for survival. While the World Bank and Exxon wanted to build this pipeline, the people of these countries were not all for the construction of it. The pipeline will now be buried instead of above ground and it being built to limit environmental harm unlike before. This case study shows that developing countries might not always be the best choice of action. The link (


Case 2:

The second case study is about improving the health of the poor in Mexico. The poor people of Mexico are extremely unhealthy and it causing illness, poor reproductive outcomes, and infant mortality. If they did not live in unsanitary living conditions and have poor nutrition, this might not be happening. While the people of the country want and need help, Mexico cannot give it to them. It will cost astronomical amounts of money to solve their problem. The study had a program to see if this method would actually work and were successful. Children under the age of 5 in the program were twelve percent less likely to contract an illness compared to the children that were not in the program. Adults had a nineteen percent less chance of illness compared to those not in the program. This program will work if it receives funding. The link (


Case 3:

I live in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, where there has been a boom in new oil wells going up. This is similar to the Chad/Cameroon pipeline because they have brought jobs and development to my town. It is different because the wells were welcomes unlike the pipeline going across Africa. The Mexican case study is similar to my hometown because people get sick everywhere. But unlike Mexico, we have a healthcare system that can prevent and cure these diseases and poor reproductive outcomes. One thing we can learn is to make sure development is wanted and just so a Chad/Cameroon issue does not happen. This could be made possible by town hall meeting to discuss the outcomes of a new pipeline. But it all boils down to the time and place. The time and places you try to develop are a huge factor if a project will be completed or not.

One thought on “Case Study Module 5

  1. Hi Ryan, My name is Julie, and I am and a Worthington Scranton student. In my post, I talked about the abundance of using bicycles as transportation in Japan and the environment/people of the Philippines being harmed due to Marcopper Mining Corporation. In your first post, I don’t blame the people of Chad/Cameroon for wanting environmental justice because of the negative outcomes they would have to live with if there was a spill (i.e. contaminated water). The second case study saddens me because I can’t imagine living in a place that so is unsanitary, people are getting sick. I think that the United States and other developed countries should help fund Mexico so that they can live in decent conditions. I don’t know much about oil wells near my area, but I do know that some parts of where I live (Scranton, PA) have poor living conditions and not much is really done about it, unfortunately. Here is a link to my post: .

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