The first case study I have chosen is from AllAfrica, discussing the shortage of food supply in Ethiopia and how it affecting the environment and health of the citizens. The article talks about how the country of Ethiopia is running out of food and if an emergency food supply does not arrive in time, there will be serious problems with the food aid supply pipeline. In addition, the El Nino weather phenomenon has cause serious damage to the environment, causing drought and flooding. This has caused the people of Africa to be in greater need for food and water supply. The international community is in attempt to provide $245 million to the country of Ethiopia, which is the amount needed to end their need for food, which should last them about 3 months. In the module, it discusses how throughout the world, countries are very different when it comes to agriculture and the environmental issues and benefits. For example, in the United States there is not an insufficient supply of food and water, whereas in Africa, that is the main concern for their country.
The second case study, found from an article on, talks about the population control in China. China has the highest population in the world with approximately 1.2 billion people living in the country. The overpopulation of the country has led to problems with resources and living conditions from the decrease in land and pollution. The Chinese government has used several methods to control the growing population, one of them being the 1 child per family method. This policy allowed each family to have only 1 child. The citizens had to have a birth certificate before having their child and they were offered special benefits if they only had 1 child. This issue relates to the development and how it is difficult for the country of China to continue to develop when the population is still growing, which is also becoming an economic issue.
These two examples of development cases show how other countries deal with issues that are a lot more severe than those in the United States. I am from outside of Philadelphia, and I have never had to experience living in a country that had a limited supply of food. In addition, our country is privileged enough that the citizens do not have to worry about overpopulation and having to only have a certain amount of children per family. As opposed to these countries, they have to worry about extremely serious issues that affect the way they live. In order to advance development where I live, I think it is important for our country to maintain a sufficient food supply. This is also an example of why an overpopulated country can be an issue because when it comes to food, there is not enough to supply to everyone. In addition, the United States needs to keep the population of citizens in control in order to prevent economic issues.
Hello Chloe. Nicely written blog! I read the same China population control case study ass well. It’s true that in many over-populated country, the government tried to lower their population but on recent years, many of them are trying to get them back up! I wrote about how many of these policies touches on the role of women as a developmental tool and indicator too a country’s development. Feel free to check it out!
Hi Chloe! In my blog I talked about a similar shortage but instead of food I talked about our Earth’s water. Your post opened my eyes because I often don’t think about how in the U.S. we basically have an unlimited food supply. Perhaps if we shared our food with other countries they would not be in a food shortage. I also think in order for us to maintain the development of food we need to try and keep our population where it is, as overpopulation in relation to our food supply is not a problem so far.
Here is a link to my blog: