- The first case study I chose is located in Paris during the Lima Paris Action Agenda thematic session on Buildings. The case study is discussing the desire to reduce global building emissions by 50% by 2030. http://www.wbcsd.org/Pages/EDocument/EDocumentDetails.aspx?ID=16630&NoSearchContextKey=true
- In my case study WBCSD’s low carbon technology partnership initiative (LCTPI) is meeting in Paris, France along with 150+ business and 70+ partners to come up with the development of climate changing technologies. In this article they are discussing how they can reduce the worlds building emissions by 50% by the year 2030. This is a global initiative to eliminate unnecessary energy use in our buildings, which is the largest source of energy consumption in our global economies. One way they will help organizations around the world develop more efficient practices is with their “Energy Efficiency Toolkit for Buildings” this toolkit will provide organizations a variety of methods to be more energy efficient and give them models that will best fit them. This case study relates to the sustainability development section in our module because it is a way that we can achieve desirable development that is also sustainable, which is a major goal for our society.
- The second case study is a little more specific, as opposed to the first case study. It is located in Reno, Nevada and is titled “Living with Limited Resources”. http://www.patagonia.com/us/contribution/patagonia.go?assetid=1964
- This case study was conducted by the outdoor recreation company, Patagonia. Its purpose is to show how they are making efforts in within their organization to promote more energy efficient buildings and a more energy efficient company. In their quest to have a sustainable business Patagonia is tapping into a variety of methods to develop a sustainable environment. They have technology on the forefront of energy efficiency, such as “Skylights track the sun and translucent roof-mounted smoke vents reflect natural light into the Reno Service Center”. They also have things as simple as motion detectors that turn off lights when no one is in the room. All in all Patagonia is embodying the concept of sustainability and operates with that in mind everyday. They are a small example of how we can achieve our major goal as a society, To develop as we desire but remaining sustainable in the process.
- This past summer I lived in Denver, Colorado while I was on internship. Both of the case studies that I have discussed relate very much to Denver. Being from Philadelphia, a place that isn’t quite on the forefront of green initiatives, I realized all the efforts that Denver, and the surrounding communities, are making in pursuit of an energy efficient city. It was commonplace to see rows of houses/office building with solar panels all over them in efforts to harness the suns energy. Also most things in Denver are recycled local products, including building materials, which helps reduce the rate at which we are using our natural resources. From my case studies I think we can learn that energy efficiency isn’t a difficult thing to achieve in our buildings, and it is critical that we do achieve it because buildings are the worlds #1 source of greenhouse emissions.
2 thoughts on “Module 5: Ryan Daley”
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Hi Ryan, my name is Alex and I am from the Worthington campus. I wrote about deforestation problems in Madagascar and a significantly rising population causing a mass depletion of natural resources. I like your post because it talks about energy efficiency. I think a lot of places would like to do this but they do not know how, so that’s where I thought the toolkit was an awesome idea! Also, I thought the light motion sensors was a pretty awesome idea too. I know that I leave lights on all the time, so an idea to have a sensor that turns the lights on when there is nobody in the room is a great way to save energy.
If you’d like to check out my post, here’s the link!
Hi, I’m Jim and here is a link to my blog http://geog030.dutton.psu.edu/2016/02/26/module-5-shaud/
First, I loved your examination of a case study in a very rich/influential country like France. Global initiatives to help reduce energy waste is a great cause and certainly a positive development. I enjoyed how you connected that to the second case study of Patagonia, which is a great company. The use of an energy efficient focus was great to see in both cases. Definitely agree that Philadelphia is behind on green initiatives and they should catch up.