1) Recently I have been exercising more not only to be healthier, but also to look more aesthetically appealing. In order to accomplish this I have been focusing on muscle building. Due to my desire to build muscle I have made the food choice of eating chicken almost twice a day as it is a great source of protein and very low in fat. I never ate that amount of chicken until my friend, who is a body builder, suggested that it was a good food to eat in order to get in better shape. In the world of athletes this is a very common social norm, as for some athletes they will not eat any foods that would cause them to gain fat, sugars, etc. This does show that I am more selfish when it comes to my food choice as I am thinking more about what foods I can eat in order to be in the best shape I can.
2) In the long run eating the amount of chicken I do everyday is not a source of sustainable food consumption. It may be good nutrition for my health but it will lead to societal issues with the environment. The more chicken I eat, the more chickens there will be that are slaughtered in factories. Chicken production will never end and factories will cause detrimental problems from the greenhouse emissions. I think the social norm should be that we can eat other things besides chicken or even red meat to get our source of protein, and athletes should be educated on alternative diets. Beans are a great source of protein that we could eat that would come straight from the environment. There may be some harm still to the environment from nutrient depletion from all the bean plants, but this would be better than contributing to climate change which affects the entire Earth rather than a piece of land.
Hi! My name is Sabrina and my blog post is on the linkhttp://geog030.dutton.psu.edu/2016/03/02/food-choice-social-norms-2/. I find your blog post extremely relatable because it is very common, especially on a college campus to be around a lot of athletes. It is very common for people who want to get in shape to eat a lot of chicken and I agree that it is great for your health however also does not condone a sustainable environment. People find it hard enough to eat healthy without thinking about the environment and keeping a sustainable food consumption. It would be a great idea, to get the word out in order to keep people aware that although very important to keep your body healthy it is equally as important to keep your environment healthy