Food Choice and Social Norms

Health wellness and eating the correct foods and diet is a choice. Sugar and in particular high fructose sugars are in every kind of sweet snack food and soda beverages in America. Corporations have attempted to cheaply implement these most unhealthful products into snack foods and beverages and consider this the norm. That is if we accept it. Its best to reject most sugary types of items or limit them to a minimum. The consumer now has far more choices when choosing and consuming these types of foods. Earthy health food markets offer better and ethical products containing organic pure cane sugar as it should be in the first place and at about the same money. The more we shop there what used to be alternative marketplaces the more push and leverage we have for progressive and healthier food stuffs in the marketplace. An educated consumer is the best consumer.

Whether its sugary snack foods or drinks again thankfully in this day and age we have more choices than ever. That does not mean however that what the majority or norm are producing and consuming is ethical or healthy. It isn’t. Adding to the issues again we have food choices and with the later above all GMO unethical production and consumption. GMO foods are nutritionally deficient and not a natural product as in the case of pure untouched organic. Organic is in my opinion the best available on the market. Organic is truly what something is in its untouched state. GMO food stuffs and products are about profit not about nutrition and ethics. This is something traditional food outlets don’t want you to know. The norm should be an obvious choice and yet because of higher prices for Organic; and something that most time is often less by way of being natural actually cost us more at the Health food stores.

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One thought on “Food Choice and Social Norms

  1. Hi Brian, I am Wenjie. I am interested to see the point you made saying that markets are now offering better and more organic food products at about the same money. There is was another paragraph that I just read that these more organic foods usually cost more. Do you think it is determined by one’s ethic or food choice? What’s more, I strongly agree that GMO stuffs are not so ethical. It emphasizes on the yielding but neglecting the other impacts these products made, especially invisible /unseen environmental impacts since these are still a relatively new topic. In my post I talked about the social norms and issues of foods in China. Currently the choice on sugar isn’t on public awareness but I think in the future this would soon be brought on to the topic in China. Here is a link to my post:
    Hello I am Wenjie. I also live off campus but not as far away from school as you do. I wish I could benefit from campus meal plan but I can’t. It is very true that the fast foods are just way cheaper and more convenient than having salad and fruits. Uhm… cheese pizza isn’t that bad, they are relatively healthier than M or Chick-fil-A. I learned a lot from your point on hormones added to genetically modified livestock. In my post I talked about the food norms and issues in China. Maybe you would like to take a look:

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