2.) This diagram shows the interconnections of Climate change, the USA, and the Copenhagen Accord. Climate change is a very real and relevant threat to society as a whole. So the United States drafted the Copenhagen Accord, which was a revision of the Kyoto Protocol, and that would positively impact the United States greatly. The United States needed other countries to be on board so they used multiple tactics to achieve this. First to the countries that openly opposed the Accord the USA used cables to spy on said countries to gain “dirt” to use later in negotiations. Secondly they promised certain countries money if they would agree with the Accord. Lastly the USA threatened countries to end negotiations with them immediately if they did not agree to the accord. The Copenhagen Accord didn’t pass because, the USA couldn’t answer how they were going to pay these countries for their compliance. This lead to these said countries to openly question the USA’s ethics, and stopped trusting the USA.
3.) I didn’t agree with how the USA conducted its negotiations at all while trying to pass the Copenhagen Accord. We shouldn’t be making threats and spying on other countries just to pass a law about climate change. Our country shouldn’t be trying to pass laws where they benefit greatly, while the other supporting countries do not. This is never a good approach to foreign relations. I think when passing a law that can impact the entire world, you need to have open discussions. The law needs to be amended and other countries need to have an active role in the laws creation. This may take years to pass, but it will have mutual respect with all supporting countries. Also if you are offering money incentives for other countries to come on board, at least back up the offer, don’t negotiate with empty offers, no country will ever trust you if that’s how you conduct your business. This is a collective action problem, so it’s going to take a lot of mutual negotiations for an agreement to be reached.
Hi Garret, my name is Katie and your post caught my attention because of your opinion on the United States actions. I agree with you that the United States was wrong with how they handled the situation and that there were better ways they could go about handling this situation. I think the United States needs to work on lessoning their greenhouse gas emissions first due to being one of the leaders in emission. Here is a link to my post if you are interested: http://sites.psu.edu/geog30/2016/04/06/module-9-climate…ange-katie-kurtz/
Hello Garrett,
Your blog caught my attention because I agree with your stand on how the United States should conduct their business. I don’t think they should have been so shady about getting countries to join. All it does is make them lose trust with other countries. There definitely needs to be a law that everybody agrees on. I also like how your system diagram flows. Check out my blog at: https://wp.me/p3RCAy-dM4