In my diagram, I started at the top with humans, because without them, there would be very little to no pollution on earth. Humans caused an increase in the amount of greenhouse gases, which also lead to a change in global climate. This was an even larger problem than it should have been because of the lack of awareness and lack of effort in coming up with a solution to the problem. With little to no idea of the problem, humans had little reason to change. Finally the Copenhagen Accord was put into place in 2009, which gave every nation a way to choose the target for greenhouse gas cuts. Larger countries benefited more from the accord than smaller countries, so some developing countries had little reason to support the Accord. The United States is the largest polluter, and a large developed country, so the Accord benefitted them greatly, and they wanted all countries to support the Accord. This caused disagreements and threats between the United States and non-supporters. Eventually, WikiLeak Cables exposed these threats form the United States to other countries that did not support the Accord. In the end, 140 countries support the Accord, while over 20 do not. My diagram points from each spot to what it caused. For example, humans caused an increase in greenhouse gases.
I feel that this is a very tough issues and that my view on the issue differs from time to time. On one hand, I do not think that the cables should have been made public because I think this could have caused a lot of confusion, leading to unwanted rumors and misunderstanding. There is definitely some information in these cables that not every person in the world is going to understand, so rumors could be started about what the information contained or what different countries said. I do though believe that we have a right to know what is going on in the world, I just don’t think this was the best way for everyone to find out. If someone could have explained the material in an un-biased manner that everyone was able to understand, maybe countries would have been better off. I also believe that the United States should not have been manipulating countries into supporting the Accord. I do not agree with every way that the United States tried to get people involved, just to benefit themselves. Instead, I believe that the United States should have met more often in person to talk about their views, or put more agreements in place to get other countries involved. If everyone could have benefitted from the Accord, everyone would have agreed to it. Maybe if less developed countries were benefitting more, the United States could have acted in a more stable manner to increase the support.
Hi Sarah. My name is Kevin and your post caught my attention. It did so because you recognized the same conflict that I did in whether the cables should have been made public or not. I think when it comes down to it, change needed to be made and it was no small change. It would not have had the effect that it did if the Accord was more neutral to both Developing and Developed countries. If they changed it the push for cleaner energy would not have as great of an impact. Feel free to check out my post here: