Wikileaks and the Repercussions

nmd5242 mod 9 diagram

The leaked cables play a large part in the actions against climate change. At first, there was a need for change about climate change and our involvement in it. This lead to the Copenhagen Accord, which was trying to get countries to agree to each do their own part to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. One issue with this accord and also the leaked cables was trust. It is hard for superpowers to keep their deals and negotiations to what they have promised. This is what posed a threat after the cables were leaked. But, the US was willing to support the accord because it would benefit them especially if other nations joined. The US sent out cables to other countries negotiating financial support and benefits along with some blackmail to other countries. Their financial reimbursements negotiated with underdeveloped countries gained them some new supporters. Once they got a few supporters and the cables were leaked, other countries were able to rethink and decide whether they would support the accord or not. If these were not leaked, I do not think other countries would have backed the accord. Many countries were able to see how hard the US, a large superpower, was working towards finding supporters for the accord. This resulted in other superpowers to reconsider and eventually follow the US. Around 75% of the countries that are part of the UN climate change convention have backed the accord now. This is also a big step for climate change and emission reduction because these 140 countries count for 80% of all greenhouse gas emissions. With them on board, there may actually be a chance that each country will stick to their word and work towards effective programs in emission reduction.
I think that the US meant well by convincing other countries to join the accord, but they went about it in a wrong way. Being such a large and influential country, it is important that the US makes beneficial decisions to themselves as well as to others. With the cables being leaked, it definitely showed the world a bad side in our country’s politics. We were proven to be dishonest, untrustworthy, and sneaky. While we are a large influence on many countries and we have many allies, it is hard to gain respect when all the other countries think you’re sneaky and questionable to work with. Our country had good intentions by wanting others to join the accord and wanting others to be in the movement or a greener earth. But, their ultieror motives proved to be altruistic and selfish because they were looking for politic support by bribing other countries. They were caught in a scandelous way of getting what they want. I think the leaked cables being made public was a good way for other countries to gauge what is happening and give them an idea of why it would be beneficial to back the accord. But, I don’t think it portrays our country in the right light. So, depending on who has seen the leaked cables depends on whether or not they it was okay for them to be leaked to the public. The United States should work harder on efforts towards climate change. We are a huge industrial country. There is no doubt that we are one of the world’s largest polluters. I think we could make a little more of an effort to try to get all of the people in the US to be aware and to be active in the role of decreasing our input in polluting the environment

2 thoughts on “Wikileaks and the Repercussions

  1. Hi Nikki! It’s Sophie. I saw your blog post as I was scrolling down the list and I figured I would check yours out. I agree with your stance that the United States did not go about getting support in the correct way. Like you, I thought the United States used sneaky and dishonest ways in order to get support. Overall, we made a lot of similar points! Feel free to check my blog post out to see what else I wrote about.

  2. Hi Nicolina, your diagram is well constructed and has very clear descriptions. I think your description of the US diplomatic actions taken to garner support for the accord was interesting. I do not agree that if the cables hadn’t been leaked, the other countries wouldn’t have provided support. The US was planning diplomatic approaches to all countries and would have eventually had their way. Despite the apparent success of negotiating the Copenhagen Accord, I doubt that it will produce any substantial effects on climate change. If you would like to take a look at my post, you can find it here:

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