Module 10 – Biodiversity

Explain an area of biodiversity hotspot location, using the Conservation International Hotspots Globe Conservation International map located in the Module 10. Summarize in 150-200 words the location, species, geography, threats, and anything else you feel is important about the area. Explain what H.I.P.P.O. stands for and describe each threat. Lastly, describe a threat your hometown can or is facing and connect the threat to the hotspot location you described.

I chose to write about the Mesoamerican forest hotspot. It is third largest hotspot in the world according to the CEPF. It is located in Central America and includes all of the subtropical and tropical ecosystems of Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, about a third of Mexico, and two-thirds of Panama Mesoamerica has about 17,000 species of vascular plants and nearly 3,000 are endemic. There are about 1,120 bird species and more than 200 species restricted to the region. The mammals in Mesoamerica has about 440 species and more than 65 of these are endemic. Reptiles in Mesoamerica have about 690 species and nearly 240 are endemic. Some of the endemic species are the quetzal, howler monkey, and about 17,000 plant species. Mesoamerica has one of the highest deforestation rates in the world. Between 1980 and 1990, deforestation averaged 1.4 percent annually. It is also estimated that 80 percent of the area’s original habitat has been cleared or severely modified.  El Salvador has less than five percent of its original forest left.

H.I.P.P.O. stands for habitat loss, invasive species, pollution, human population, and overharvesting. Habitat loss is when an area is converted from usable to unusable habitat. Examples of habitat loss can include: industrial activities, agriculture, mining, deforestation, and water extraction. The invasive species threat is when an animal, plant, or microbe moves into a new area. This can have an affect the resident species such as new species can parasitize the residents, compete with them for food, bring diseases, or modify habitats. Pollution is when the discharge of toxic synthetic chemicals and heavy metals into the environment. This has an impact on species and can lead to extinctions. The human population is about 6.8 billion and the increase in the population leads to an increase threat to biodiversity. Overharvesting can be the targeted hunting, gathering, or fishing for a particular species and the harvesting by-catch in ocean fisheries that causes biodiversity loss.

My hometown of Archbald in northeast Pennsylvania, can face the threats of habitat loss and human population. I have seen much greater habitat loss in my area in the past few years. There has been deforestation in a few areas for the timber and for development. Also, construction has begun on two power plants in my area that has left the surrounding area unusable. The human population has also been increasing in this area. There have been many new living places built and being built and an increase of cars and traffic that has led to more pollution. The threats my hometown faces are related to the Mesoamerican forest hotspot threats. The threat both locations face is deforestation and affects both areas similar. The animals in the areas affected have to find somewhere else to go, and in my area, they usually end up in someone’s backyard. This deforestation might make the human lives better, but overall it has a great impact on the areas biodiversity.

Module 9: Climate Diplomacy

WikiLeaks climate change nit5075My system diagram shows the connection between the WikiLeaks cables and climate change. The article explains how the United States used different tactics to gain support for the Copenhagen accord and highlighted the unethical ways to do business. The diagram starts with the climate change issue because it is the focus of the article and the reason for the Copenhagen accord. In my diagram, climate change is linked to the Copenhagen accord because the U.S saw this opportunity to boost themselves on a global scale and that the accord’s purpose is to reduce the impacts of climate change. The next linkage is the WikiLeaks Cables. This is the center for the diagram for it being the main point for the article. The WikiLeaks Cables reviled how the U.S was able to gain support for the Copenhagen accord. The WikiLeaks Cables also showed how the United States took this issue of climate change and lead the world on changing it. The result of the United States efforts to gain support for the Copenhagen Accord made 116 countries associating with the accord and 26 counties intend to associate with it. The WikiLeaks Cables is also linked to climate change because the United States tactics helped curb the effects of climate change. The last linkage in my system diagram shows the overall results of the Copenhagen accord. The article states that 75% of the 193 countries that are parties to the UN climate change convention and support the accord are responsible for over 80% of current global greenhouse gas emissions.

I believe that it was right for the State Department cables to be made public after the fact. It shows how the negotiations are made between countries and what is the true costs. This kind of collective action problem can be dealt with in different ways. The way the United States handled it would be different if another country was focused on making the accord happen. The issue of climate change is growing and cannot be solved by one country on their own. The individual and collective action changes are ways to begin to create ways reduce the impact of climate change. Some of the ways the United States conducted climate change diplomacy showcased in the WikiLeaks Cables can be unethical. The use of spying and threats were probably used as a last option, but should not have been used to gain support for an important issue like climate change. This effects everyone in the same way and the Copenhagen accord should have benefited all counties equally. Also, the United States does not look as trustworthy if they are spying on counties and threating them for support. The WikiLeaks Cables did raise awareness of how important the issue of climate change is on a global scale. The United State should have worked more closely with the counties wanting the same outcome and have an open discussion with the counties that were more hesitant with the Copenhagen accord. Another option was to go through the United Nations and follow their standards to create another accord on the issue of climate change.

Module 8: Vulnerability Reduction

The Nathan World Map of Natural Hazards helped me identify the natural hazards that my town in northeastern Pennsylvania can face. According to the maps, my area is at risk from tropical cyclones, an increase in heavy rain, hailstorms (up to zone 3), extratropical storms (up to zone 0), tornados (up to zone 3), and wildfires (up to zone 1). The maps in the Nathan map document show a general risk for a specific area and a specific threat. In some of the maps it is hard to identify what category a specific area is in. I do agree with the metrics provided for my area. Living in this area, we can experience crazy weather sometimes. I was actually born during the blizzard of 1993, there was a tornado a few miles away that destroyed car shop a few years back, number of floods, strong storms with damaging winds and hail, and a few small brush fires that lasted a day or two.

The current disaster from the RSOE EDIS is a 90-foot wide sinkhole in Tarpon Springs, Florida. My hometown can experience this same type of disaster. The risk for this type of disaster is higher than other parts of the country. My area is vulnerable the acid in our groundwater being able to dissolve the porous rocks. My area is not as vulnerable as Florida, but they seem to be more common. The scale of this disaster relative to the size of my hometown would be the same. This happened in a mobile home park and displaced about twenty people. My town also has a mobile home park about the same size that is described. The sinkhole opened in an area where there is a higher density of people living and that is why the impact was higher. If it happened in front of my house, the impact would be far less. The severity of this type of disaster on the human population in my hometown depends on where it happens. The population is mixed with older and younger people. If this would happen near a senior living complex, the severity would be high because of the assistance need when trying to evacuate quickly. These type of disasters do not have advance warning and give little time to leave the affected area. Reducing my town’s vulnerability to such a disaster would begin with the inspection of areas looking at water runoff, underground pipes, the types of soil and rocks. Another way to reduce the vulnerability is to have a proper waste water disposal system.

I was able to find a site that compiled natural disasters and weather extremes from 1950 to 2010 and calculated the likelihood of an event. The data says that the chance of an earthquake in Lackawanna County is about the same as the Pennsylvania average and is far lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in Lackawanna County is lower than Pennsylvania average and is also lower than the national average. The site also has a chart that shows the number of events that happened. The top three were thunderstorm winds, floods, and hail. I would agree that these events occur the most often and sometimes they can be destructive. Flooding is usually the most impactful because I live in a valley, and effects a widespread of people.  

Lackawanna County Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes. Retrieved April 01, 2016, from

There are many actions that can be done to reduce vulnerability to natural hazards in my town. The first action would be make sure my town and its people are prepared for multiple different types of natural hazards. This can be done by practicing response times, rescue training, making sure people know where to go, and have emergency items before something happens. Emergency responders also need to know what to do when a natural hazard occurs and how to handle it. After the event the area impacted needs to have a concrete plan in place to recover and rebuild in the shortest time possible. I personally can stay alert and know what may happen and know where emergency supplies are. I can also help in a time in need by helping neighbors, family, and other people that may need assistance to safety.

Sustainable Cities: Module 7

I live in a small borough in Jessup, PA. The total population is about 4,600. The closest city is Scranton in the northeastern part of Pennsylvania located right off of Interstate 81. The city is broken into six sections. Some of the neighborhoods are pedestrian-oriented, others are more automobile suburb. The urban downtown area is mostly commercial. The population in the metropolitan area of Scranton is estimated at 562,037 in 2013. I have many connections to Scranton. I attend college and live within the metropolitan area. Another personal connection is both of my parents attended college in Scranton. The city is currently in a revitalization phase, trying to bounce back from almost going bankrupt in 2012. The city is also the setting for the NBC show The Office where its fictional paper company Dunder Mifflin is located. Scranton also hosts a marathon once a year that attracts many visitors.

The first city I selected is Copenhagen, Denmark. The main reason I chose this city is because of its successful traffic calming program. The city of Copenhagen and Scranton are similar because they both experience cold and snowy winters. Scranton has one main biking/walking trail that runs through part of the city, but it is broken in sections where the trail intersects with roads. Also, Scranton has a Tour de Scranton event that attracts many cyclists. Scranton does get traffic congested at certain times. Dedicated cycling routes would help to improve the city, while reducing the overall pollution. I believe it will attract more people and increase the quality of life. Since the demand for cycling is there, Scranton should look at ways Copenhagen was able to incorporate cycling into their city.

The next city I select is Bogota, Colombia. Bogota has weekly car-free events known as Ciclovias. The Bogota Ciclovias takes place every Sunday and on their holiday. The Ciclovias works by banning or restricting cars on almost 75 miles of streets throughout the city. This allows for people to use the streets safely and promote exercise. Scranton can adopt this type of event every easily. Scranton already has people have that like to cycle and walk and has some ways to include this. Also, it would be the most cost friendly of ways to include cycling and walking. This will help Scranton be more family friendly and attract more events and businesses. Scranton’s adoption of an event like Ciclovias will help promote a more sustainable development.

Module 6: Food Choice & Social Norms

A few weeks back, my family and I hosted a super bowl party for about twenty people. We provided the food for the party. When my mom told me what she was going to buy, it was the typical party foods and snacks. There were sandwiches, chips and dip, wings, pizza, and other snacks. The drinks included soda, beer, and some water. Most of the people that attended this party expected this type of spread because these types of foods are correlated to football itself. There were a few that mentioned that they wished there were healthier options, but ate the food anyway and enjoyed it. The people that do not usually eat these types of foods were pressured into eating these foods in order to not go hungry or to fit in with the rest of the people.

This type of social norm connects to the societal issue of obesity and convenience of food choices. Obesity is an issue that affects many people and can be caused by many different factors. The food choices at the party can be related to obesity by the vast amounts of food present at the party and no limit as too how much or how little one has to eat. Although, this is not an everyday occurrence, the experience can impact how one makes food choices in the future. The convenience of these types of foods is the main reason why they were at the party, by being easy to prepare and eat. This social norm should not be. It will only take a little more effort to have healthier choices available and show that you do not have to always eat this way at a party.food_diagram_nit5075

Module 5: Development Case Studies

Ecuador’s Huaorani Indians Fight Against Maxus Energy Corporation’s Plans to Extract Oil on Their Traditional Territory, is an Environmental Justice Case Study by University of Michigan students.  It is about how Maxus Energy Corporation has been in a dispute with the Huaorani Indians. Their territory lies in the Ecuadorian Amazon for many years. The Ecuadorian Government allowed Maxus Energy Corporation to explore for oil on the native lands beginning in 1992. Ecuador supports Maxus because it depends on its oil resources for almost half of its income. This case study can relate to many concepts discussed in this lesson. One concept this study highlights is the global issue of environmental justice. The Huaorani only want their land to be healthy and undisturbed, but they are not powerful enough to fight against it. The tribe has to suffer with the negative impacts Maxus Energy brings to the area.


Supporting Local Biodiversity Plans at Sonadih and Arasmeta Cement Plants, is a biodiversity case study from India by Lafarge. Lafarge operates cement plants in the Chhattisgarh state. They promoted biodiversity by designing and implementing and contributing to local biodiversity plans. Lafarge estimated that 70,000 tree saplings were planted as part of the local “Green Chhattisgarh” program in hopes of preserving the unique natural heritage. The study also explains how this company’s actions created a close relationship between the quarry, the local community, local authorities and local businesses. This company recognizes the harm it brings to the ware where they operate, but also helps offset the impact it has in the future. This case study relates to the sustainable development concept discussed in this lesson. This case study shows how this type of developed can be sustainable and also have a positive impact in a unique way.


I live in Archbald, near Scranton, PA. In recent years there has been an increase in development in and around this area. I recent months, there are two proposals to build separate natural gas power plants. These plants will be less than two miles apart and will be near an already operational electric plant. The two case studies can be related to this situation in many ways. The people against these plants are using the same reasons the Huaorani Indians used to stop Maxus Energy. The residents are worried about their properties, their health, and quality of life. On the other hand, the case study in India can be related by the positive impacts the plants will have such as the increase in local school funding and promises to give back to the community. The location of these plants is important because they have access to highways, gas lines, a water source, and power lines. The land they will be built on in their eyes is a perfect fit for their development.

Module 4: Water Tracking & Usage

Part 1-a: My hometown water supply comes from the Lake Scranton System. This system obtains its water from the Lake Scranton, Elmhurst, Williams Bridge, Curtis and Hollister reservoirs. It also has six other sources on standby. The average water that is supplied on a daily basis is 19.7 million gallons. Pennsylvania American Water maintains a treatment facility on the Lake Scranton Reservoir is capable of processing 33 million gallons of water per day. This water supply is distributed for residential, commercial, and industrial use. Our wastewater is collected through interceptor lines and brought to one of the three Sewage Treatment Plants in Lackawanna County. Most of the interceptor lines are combined sewer type meaning they collect both storm water runoff as well as sanitary sewage generated by homes and businesses. The closest treatment plant to my house is the Archbald treatment plant. This treatment plant uses the sequencing batch reactor process. Also, this facility consists of grit removal channels, a mechanical bar screen, raw sewage lift pumps, sequencing batch reactors, an ultra-violet disinfection channel, a sludge thickener with polymer coagulation, aerobic digesters and a belt filter press. The capacity of the Archbald treatment plant is 6.0 million gallons per day.

Part 1-b: Nit5075_Water_Chart

Part 1-c: I analyzed my water usage to see where I can focus to my limit to 2 gallons a day. Showering, washing dishes, and washing my hands were the three areas I focused on. I cut down my shower to five minutes, but still used 10 gallons of water. I failed right from the start, but I was still focused on reducing my water usage for the rest of the day. I washed my hands twice, by using hand sanitizer more often. This reduced 18 gallons to 6 gallons. I reduced the 18 gallons I usually use washing dishes to zero by not doing the dishes that day. In the future, I will wash more dishes at once and less often. I reduced my water usage from 73.73 gallons to 23.73 gallons. A 68% decrease in water usage. Geography has a huge role on water quality, quantity, and use. There is not access to clean water worldwide. Depending on location, climate, resources, and other factors depend on the access to usable water for everyday life. We do not have to work as hard to obtain clean water as does other counties such as developing counties.

Module 3 – Nick Tomaine

1. It is more important to perform good acts than be a good person. These both can be related to each other as described in the reading. The good actions that one performs are what others are able to see. They are then able to perceive this person as being good. Also, from the good actions, there is usually some kind of benefit. When thinking of this topic, politics come to mind. When a candidate is running for a position, it is their actions they perform is what gets them elected. Their certain actions can be giving speeches, vowing to do something when elected, and the past actions they performed. These actions are what make the candidate the right choice to do the job. This example shows how performing good acts have positive benefits. Another example that comes to mind is the spontaneous acts of kindness movement, paying the bill for the person in front of you at a checkout line. This hopefully leads to more good actions from more people and shows the good in people.

3. The process decisions are made does matter more than the outcomes of these decisions. Everything we do is a process. When that process changes, the decision changes. The process is what leads a person to a rational decision which leads to the outcome. The outcome is reinforced by the process that was taken. Democracy is a great example of how decisions are made. It shows there are processes that need to be fulfilled to achieve the best outcome. The process has multiple aspects and steps to ensure the best outcome is obtained. The process for making a decision can be simple or complex depending on the outcome. During the process one should think about what is going to happen when the process is complete and if it is going to produce the desired outcome. Another aspect to consider is the impact that the decision is going have from the process.

5. I believe the pleasure and pain of non-human animals matter almost much as the pleasure and pain of humans. The concept of speciesism, which is the view that some species are more ethically important than others, can be debated for and against. Human welfare and the welfare of non-human animals should be equal, but it is not. Our society thieves on the sacrifice of other animals for such as food, enjoyment, and goods. Also, our society, at least in the United States, does not have the same punishments for harming animals as harming humans. This concept can be related to the food chain, by it is the way of life. Domesticated animals are seen closer to humans by the way they interact with us. People treat them almost like humans and view them as part of their families. Our society values these pets as a higher standard as other animals and treat them differently.

Module 2: Biogas in India

My system diagram presented shows the effect how the new and old ways for cooking has on the social system and the surrounding ecosystem. The arrows show the impact on that particular topic. The diagram shows the positive and negative aspects for using each fuel source. The negative impacts shown are related to using sticks for a fuel source by decreasing health and using child labor. The biogas fuel shows the positive impacts on the social system and ecosystem. The biogas fuel eliminated the need for child labor and has less health concerns. Also, the biogas fuel has helped their economy by selling compost that was made from the waste of the biogas food to the local farmers for fertilizer. This diagram also shows the biogas fuel has more resilience over the old fuel by, not having to depend on sticks and child labor.

When comparing my diagram to Figure 1.5 in the “What is Human Ecology?” article, there are similarities and differences. Both diagrams highlight the components of the social system and ecosystem. Also, both have the same general idea of the human-environment system and how they impact each other. Both show the different components of the biogas fuel and uses of its byproducts. The differences of the two diagrams is that in the Marten’s diagram, it uses the overall population, where in mine, I broke it down into the women and the child labor aspects. Comparing the two diagrams showed how there can be different perspectives and interpretations. Both diagrams highlight the main concepts that were discussed during the video.

Getting to Know You

I am a senior here at Penn State at the Worthington Scranton campus. I live in Archbald which is a small town near Scranton, PA. I also lived there all my life. My major is Information Sciences and Technology: Design and Development with a minor in Security Risk Analysis. I would like to do software developer in my career. I am interested in this course because I want to expand my knowledge of geography with this being my first geography course in my college career. When not doing school work, I maintain and do small jobs around different properties my family owns. I also like to watch television, some of the shows I like are House of Cards on Netflix, and I recently finished season one of Mr. Robot on the USA network.

While reading the first module, the topic that interested me the most was the human-environment interactions section. Today I read an article that stated that by 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in terms of weight in the world’s oceans. This is a startling prediction that was made by the World Economic Forum. This ties into this section with the concept of sustainability. If we do nothing and let this happen, undesirable consequences will occur. Counties have to do more by recycling more plastic, preventing plastic from entering the oceans, and make more environment friendly alternatives. There are simple steps that every day people can do like using a reusable bag when going to the store. Ethics also ties into this by having different people or counties having different priorities or not taking this issue seriously.