Above is a diagram to illustrate the controversy and events surrounding the Copenhagen accord. The main issue stems from the burning of fossil fuels; burning fossil fuels for transportation, energy, and industry releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Increased levels of greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun and are causing the global temperature to rise, which results in the many aspects of climate change. The realization of this threat has caused alarm from increasingly more governments, which required a global agreement like the Kyoto Resolution to be handled. The US is responsible for a huge portion of emissions, but has been reluctant to do anything drastic. The Kyoto resolution resulted in the US State Department using bribes and coercion to persuade smaller nations to support a more lenient climate resolution. These tactics encouraged many smaller nations to align with the US. This support gave rise to the uninspired Copenhagen Accord which had less requirements to reduce emissions for the US. The Copenhagen Accord will result in burning more fossil fuels which then restarts the whole cycle of greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, and diplomatic bureaucracy.
My opinion on this issue is kind of mixed. I understand that restrictions on greenhouse gases generally would slow down the US economy, so I understand why politicians are not willing to do something that is not universally supported in their country. However, the backroom nature of this diplomacy is concerning. What is even more concerning is that this story was not major new in the US and I do not recall hearing about it until now. I understand there have been leaks of sensitive information that have potential repercussions, but I do not think this is one of these situations. The only thing at risk in this situation is the public perception of our politicians; if they are being deceptive to the public then they should be held accountable. The only way this systemic problem within the US government could be resolved is for the American public to come to a consensus on climate change and vote in politicians that share their views. Unfortunately, given the current misdirection and confusion in the American public, I do not see this shift happening until climate change is irreversible and manifesting itself.