Module 9: Climate change

  1. Module9_climatechange_ehl5050

2) In my diagram, I wanted to illustrate the connection between the WikiLeaks cables to climate change. Before going deeply into the details of the connection, I began my diagram by demonstrating how climate change is taken place. As mentioned in the module, burning of fossil fuels is most commonly used source of energy. By burning the fossil fuels, CO2 or the greenhouse gas is emitted in the air causing the change in the atmosphere. The change in the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is then led to climate change. Climate change is a universal problem that affects everyone. In order to prevent and stop the problem, the world nation has gathered and discussed about taking a collective action to prevent it. The Copenhagen Accord was proposed by world leaders to find ways that would decrease the emission of greenhouse gases which can help to warm the troposphere and the surface of the Earth. However, during this stage, there were levels of distrust among nations and also created third world countries facing more climate change. This accord was backed up by espionage on the U.S. front in the form of cables in the attempt to bride developing countries into accepting and joining their opinions to combat the issue. However, the interactions between the U.S. and developing countries that were involved became known throughout the world by WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks action exposed the U.S.’s manipulation of climate change and changed many other’s view. Since the exposure by WikiLeaks, 116 countries have associated themselves with the accord, and 26 countries announced they intend to associate. Total number of 140 nations, around 75% nations within the UN accepted the Copenhagen accord. Furthermore, at the UN climate change negotiations in Cancun, Mexico, the approval of huge boost to the accord took place.


3) In my personal opinion, I think the State Department Cables should have been publicized and notified to the public rather than being exposed by the WikiLeaks. Also, the Copenhagen Accord should have been informed by the leaders of the nations to their country to allow citizens of the world to know that collective action is taking place to prevent climate change. Climate change is serious worldwide problem that affects everyone’s lives. It is considered a collective action problem that needs a collective action, the actions taken by a collection or group of people based on collective decision, (Module 4) to take place. In this case was the Copenhagen Accord. Moreover, I think hiding the accord and accessing the information through a leak changes the meaning of it. The climate accord is a positive prevention gathered with nation’s voice to prevent the climate change but was illustrated as an illegal action taking between nations. The State Department should have informed it to the public. Furthermore, despite the good intentions of the accord, the espionage from the U.S. was leaked by WikiLeaks. I think the action caused by the U.S is considered to be altruistic. U.S did not think about developing countries situation but rather bribed them with money to keep things the way they believed it should be. I think the country should have tried to convince developing countries like Zenawi that the accord was for the better or created prevention that resolved the climate change throughout the world that could benefit the countries as well. In other worlds, procedural justice should have taken place. I believe the world should be a sustainable place for us to live. We should stop being ego about what we gain but try to make the world a better place for all of us.